Workout Albums


yeah maybe for working out a log on the toilet


does this count as child pornography?

Holy shit yeah


giving up the nappy dugout

Yes, it totally legally counts as child pornography and the government decided to just let kurt put it on an extremely popular album and just look the other way

>working out



Just eat organic


yeah, my uncle went to prison for having this CD in his car while getting stopped for suspected DUI.

having it in your browser is just as bad.


hi /fit/ manlet

have they invented a workout machine that increases height yet?

it's no virgin killer


Weight/resistance: Money Store/BP
Cardio/Jogging: pic related

You were so close but...

Anything by Nails

Assemblage 23 - Storm

Great for HIIT while biking with bursts at 10-minute intervals

hearing Devy scream "HEY MAN, I'M GONNA FUCK THIS SHIT UP!" = instantly pumped


I think deathcore is great for workouts and also just working. Great for focusing, it's kind of strange how I can do my homework better with Infant Annihilator playing

Any Muse album

Yeah, this