What makes a good melody?

What makes a good melody?

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repetition and familiarity

tits in low light, short forced breaths, and erected nipples. Tear this thread down anyone.

Bro do you even listen to experimental stuff? Godspeed the balck emperod is the best noise band. U don't need melodies

Just wing it

You're dead IRL. Prepare and expect me.

Don't even broskie, I'll fucc u in the dick

I have nothing but hate for everyone for no fucking reason. Id shoot Kurt in the dick, then tar and feature him. He got off easy what Id do to you. Clean your legal for now AR15. and feed it the best ammo. This will shake up your neighborhood for sure. As the pain sweeps through, Ive been waiting for you, young Americans and so on...

Well well well would you carry a razor...

how it dances on the stage

quote it nigga.