So my gf's ex recommended me this album, I like it so far, what's some similar music?

So my gf's ex recommended me this album, I like it so far, what's some similar music?

hold on let me ask my wife's son

>Talking to your gf's ex
>Getting recommendations from your gf's ex

Did he also give you recommendations on how to fuck his ex gf?
Or how she used to cum all over his cock?

>hanging out with her ex
are you suicidal?

I'll ask my sisters husband, my uncles only brother.

Take it easy, I trust my gf

lol good luck in a few months time when you catch her cheating on you, you fucking fool.

also, friendly reminder - kanye west is piss poor at making music - so go suck your grillfriend's ex boyfriends dick faggot

I don't even trust my gf to toss the remote across the room to me.

kek, came here to post this

Nice projection friend, not every lady is a slut like your mom

Some of us gentlemen know how to pick a good traditional woman

You might like Coloring Book by Chance The Rapper. Kanye features in the intro and I think he had something to do with the production of it.

kekked harder than i have all day

>a wild fedora has appeared

Hey, don’t worry about the people above, I know people who speak to their partner’s exes – if you are able to trust them then that’s great and shows maturity from all.

If you like Yeezus, then you will possibly like Death Grips (who you will have seen mentioned here a lot) and clipping. Also, Arca produced a few of the tracks on Yeezus, so I’d give him a listen. I’m presuming you’ve heard MBDTF?

Death Grips
Start from the beginning

Thank you, I don't mind him spending time with my girlfriend at all - they're very good friends after all. I'm not the owner of her life, you know?

Anyway, thanks for the recs, I'll look into them

It's cool to trust your gf. But why associate with her ex for? That's kind of weird.

>not becoming eskimo buddies with your wifes sons father

you're not being very pc brah


>this thread

Well, him being her best friend, it's only natural for me to look for a connection

Anyway, this Death Grips band is great, this aggressive throbbing energy is what I was looking for. Thanks.

Any more recs?


Dälek, Saul Williams, and Divine Styler are all good and worth checking out. Also, if you liked death grips, you should check out clipping. They're sort of like death grips by how they infuse rap and noise.

You're some freaking racist, so because my gf's ex is African-American you assume she's cheating on me? I'm actually an open-minded good person, you people make me sick

faggot you're 12 at best.
how do i know?
>didn't know who kanye was

Of course I know Kanye, I just hadn't listened to Yeezus before

I see where you're trying to take this.
With all due respect. kys

ok u nearly had me. nice b8 dickhead

Yeezus sounds like death grips without the death grips.

Not hating it mind you. Anyone feel the same?

That's why it's better

>gf's ex

Did you invite him when you and your girl is having sex too?

>open thread expecting keks
>maximum kekkage just 5 posts in

Yeezus is Death Grips lite. Check out the Death Grips discography.

That being said, why bro? I was the ex way back when, and let me tell you that it's not a good idea to get involved with a girl who still hangs out with her ex. There's stuff between them and you don't wanna get involved in that drama.

This is almost definitely b8. And good b8, at that.

>this thread
