Mama Mia! Post-Rock sure is a shitty genre!
Mama Mia! Post-Rock sure is a shitty genre!
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Ha! I remember this post a couple months ago. Still desperate for attention eh?
found the flabbergasted slint fan
That's not Bob Hoskins.
Put this post in the trash
boy if you thought Rock was bad already you wanna hear Post Rock
some people will just never let a trend die out
>doesn't like post rock
baka desu senpai
I will never understand what the purpose of the source of this meme was
>thinks slint is post-rock
>thinks post-rock is shitty
not surprised
No, I'm the flabbergasted "OP is trying to get attention by shitposting on Sup Forums, so I am trying to realise how pathetic of a human being OP is" fan.
really makes you think
there is no "point," the italian plumbers are simply stating a fact
agreed t b h
Mama Mia! Post-Country sure is a great genre!
Don't listen to it then. Problem solved, stoopid.
He is desperate for attention. I'm 90% sure that he likes post-rock, and is insecure about his taste. Hence he is seeing if people jump on the shitty Sup Forums bandwagon or not, since that's what influences his opinion.
Mama-mia! Math rock sure is a shitty genre!
Mama mia! Experimental pop sure is a shitty genre!
Mama-mia! Noise rock sure is a shitty genre!
>doesn't know that Slint is post-rock
Mama-mia! Neo-psychedelia sure is a shitty genre!
Mama-mia! Black metal sure is a shitty genre!
Mama mia! Experimental hip hop sure is a shitty genre!
Mama-mia! Shoegaze sure is a shitty genre!
Mama mia! OP sure is forcing a shitty meme!
Mama-mia! Prog rock sure is a shitty genre!
Mama-mia! Avant folk rock sure is a shitty genre!
post rock etc
mama mia im dead inside
Mama-mia! Music sure is a shitty genre!
OP is being a faggot, as usual
Mama-mia! This post sure is a shitty genre!
This is why Sup Forums is the worst board.
Mama Mia! Post-Rock sure is a great genre!
Post-rock? More like post-bore amirite
You guys are all little penis with nothing to show for it. It's not like i said HEY look at the gurth of mee cuck, as i wee wee out just a little bit. MY PANTS ARE WET MY PANTS ARE WET!!! I just dont see how things will ever change on this board if we can't stop erecting ourselves and wetting my pants. Mogwai is guud senpai, especially Young Teame.