Sup Forumschella is our bi annual listenalong event in the style of a faux music festival, airing biannually since 2012. It's really fun and music related, AND IT STARTS TOMORROW SO TAKE YOUR FUCKING DRUGS KIDS HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the full lineup will be posted below
Christian Long
Come join us in the irc channel at or #Sup Forumsradio on rizon to talk about the lineups or whatever the fuck is going on
Mason Mitchell
this is gonna be sweet
Jordan Evans
Nicholas Rivera
Thomas Cook
Jaxon Scott
nice, been waiting for so long for this
Benjamin Torres
Henry Lopez
It is happening again.
Eli Martinez
dark_alley is that you?
Logan Hughes
Hudson King
The Sup Forums oligarchy
John Wright
Nicholas Howard
It is happening again
Luis Carter
Isaiah Harris
In light of the UK's imminent EU leave, I'd like to christen this festival to be Freeā¢
And it starts in 14 hours
Chase Torres
why else would we make the last 2 albums the most british albums of the year
Jason Fisher
Nathaniel Jackson
brexit day confirmed for winter, you heard it here
Michael Butler
>Gay Day What the fuck? Why isn't there a "Straight Day" too? What makes fags so special?
Jose Turner
heres your straight day lineup
Jack Powell
But why do fags get recognition just because they're homo?
Daniel Cook
i mean why should the majority of the world get a pat on the back for existing like the majority of everyone else? thats not exceptional or notable, thats like making a day for "mammals"