Sporkcore disco funk djent edition
Old thread
Sporkcore disco funk djent edition
Old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>this general is still alive
First for illegal slam
you could say the same thing about this entire website
i saw that
can't kill what's already dead senpai
>Lyrical themes: Food, Alcohol abuse, Filth, Totems, Decay, Midgets
Blackies, everyone
damn i can hear the bass guitar really clearly all of a sudden
what is this
also you will all die alone
You can not kill what you did not create
a better sound system?
/metal/ has been zombie since mid 2015
man, being a metalhead sucks doesn't it?
>not having 10cm spikes on your arm
not watching
delete this
why is Sup Forums still on this website?
>two iron maiden posters
>savatage top
i think he's one of you guys...
i want to die (still)
>that thumbnail
not giving him views
don't you have anime to watch
What's the most slam way to commit suicide?
Asking for a friend.
fuck off tripcunt I'm done reading your shitty posts see you in hell
ripping your own dick off and then suffocating on it
i try to get into anime but i don't like any of the characters
i just don't like people
standing underneath katalepsy @ 0:24
who here /noise slam/?
>Dat uncoordinated jump
Raw af
more like /no islam/
>not watching my videos
fuck you untrves
I had no idea such a thing existed but I need more now.
This is a shitpost
it has no content, but you will read it anyways
and you will love it
too late I already killed myself
why is djent so fucking gay
Tie up your hair when eating you sissy blackie
how does he walk ?
because your gay
No $l@mz
i filled out about 5 captchas just now
i do actually hope i die soon
>i filled out about 5 captchas just now
same what the fuck is up with this shit
Very carefully
>not using the legacy captchas
joke is on you, i just got married
she's quite ugly but she loves me and is always horny
wtf is that
gonna hide this post
The song Ukraine makes my soul happy
watch pokemon
i can relate to that, user, i'm sorry i was mean to you
pokemon reminds me of my oneitis
she had a pikachu onesie and called herself a pokemon master on her tumblr
shame cause i did watch the entire indigo league
is slam the new doom?
is there slam-doom?
no (extra no for your post)
i like your voice
your voice is cute
>she stepped on the cat
>and it
this is tru slam
It sounds like you're an average tripfag
i hate how dead this place is on weekends
pussychasing bastards
actually the cooking pot back beat is indeed inspired by the simple drum rhythms of slam
Blackies chase pussy while slamfags chase new, more degenerate forms of pornography to quell their filthy lust.
Only noticed now he didn't have one leg WHAT THE FUCK?????? I THOUGHT HE WAS RISING HIS PAW????
i want to chase killing myself
Dang nigga.......
i'm going to grow my hair really long
>when the synth stabs come in
rare robo
what is the hardest metal known to man ?
>Listen to Deathspell for years
>never heard anything before SMRC
>play this today
>been missing out on a god-tier Darkthrone clone this whole time
is that a good or bad reaction
there's a tiny baby penis on that artwork
Now that the dust has finally settled, what do you think of paracletus?
is that pic like a famous artwork or something because this band i liked basically aped the cover and i never noticed
DsO's best album desu
do you seriously except basement black metal bands making their own artworks ?
It's not a classical painting, at least not that I can find any credit of anywhere
seems more likely they just straight-up lifted the artwork from Inquisitors of Satan
why does no one burn down 12th century churches anymore
fucking lazy
It's called "Mors omnia aequat" by Barthel Beham
me in the left
looks like you're getting some mad oral pleasure user
you should write steve harris about sueing oculus for the design
i want to die
did you run out of xanax again
you've come to the right place then. I recommend Vektor, Deafheaven and Opeth.
What's some more fast paced melodic BM like this where it sounds like shit is really going down.
i never had any
does it make feelings go away
No, but depression does that. You're probably just not depressed enough.
mods are asleep and slamfags are squatting somewhere post grindcore
Been a long-ass time since I've listened to Sargeist but
>fast paced melodic BM
Have you tried Sorhin?