You're a black guy

For you

How is an ass like that possible

Surgical procedures

Unrealistic expectation of women, as a woman, I cringe everything I see images like this. It degrades us to nothing but objects of desire.

that's a big ass


alright guy alright

but you can see kanyes boobies to

>It degrades us to nothing but objects of desire.

Imk not even an MRA but that's basically what you are the most at the end of the day by society's truthful standards

unreleastic views of men. as a man, i cringe everything i see comments like this. it degrades us to nothing but unintelligent sexual deviants



10 U?

remember when Kanye made good music and wasn't an asshole?

triggered. going to go jack off to kim's sextape.


you mean never?

College Dropout and Late Registration..

you mean always?

You wish you were an "Object of desire" and maybe if you weren't so insecure about your body type, and learn to have fun, and let other people have fun, you might become somebody's object of desire someday, but not with THAT attitude, missy!

were and still are shit

808's and MBDTF are the objectively only good kanye albums

don't (you) me

nigga shut up

no. and even if you like them, he had become an asshole by then.

anyone have a link to the video

well meme'd



Can we stop acting like this album was good? It's alright at best, overhyped and aged so poorly.

Pay enough money and they can transplant base fat tissue from one part of your body to another.

She's basically a flesh sculpture. The hilarious part is Kanye becoming obviously no longer trying as hard and getting flabbier.

I wanna fuck you like an animal.

>le kanye wasn't an arrogant asshole always xDDD
When will this shitty meme die?