hey /mu, anyone here play actual instruments? if so say what you play
Hey /mu, anyone here play actual instruments? if so say what you play
Other urls found in this thread:
piano, drums, guitar, bass, trumpet, sax, cello
you're a bitch.
Play some real music you shitier pleb
hey nice man!
it was the first image I saw to put in random thread pic
The Daxophone. The only true instrument.
Guitar, finger drums aka making beats. Really shitty keyboard
whats a real instrument
In order of interest: Piano and keyboards, bass guitar, mandolin, guitar
>making music
>not just shitposting and enjoying the memes
Look at this tryhard faggot
as in an instrument that requires you to learn how to play it, basically anything that's not a computer
I play the accordion.
sax, guitar, piano
Flamenco guitar, piano, vibraphone, various latin percussion
You'd probably be surprised how fun learning a new instrument actually is, friendo
piano and percussion mainly
does ukulele count
it counts if it's not the only instrument you play or if you're one of those uke nerds that can shred on it
Thinking about picking up a bass guitar and an electronic flute
piano and violin, but i haven't played violin since senior year of high school and i was never good at it. learning tocatta and fugue on piano right now.
Guitar, drums, may pick up an electric organ sometime
Recently got my ass up to commit my favorite pieces to memory.
Guitar, and I started learning alto sax.
As of this summer I've been playing guitar for about 10 years. Studied classical with a music professor for about 3 years while I was in college. Unfortunately I've been losing my motivation to play more and more over the last few months, I haven't even touched a guitar in weeks.
You were in music college or?
Yeah that was my major before I changed it.