Johnny Marr says Brexit supporters are Nazis

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elliot smith's looking pretty rough

he's not wrong

Morrissey was always my favorite member of The Smiths anyways.

What did Morrissey say about the Brexit, anyway?

this thread is going to be fucking beautiful

Nothing surprisingly.

Better a Nazi than a Muslim.


You can always rely on musicians to make hysterically over the top melodramatic generalisations. Good reason to ignore the musician and focus on the music.

literally who lol

Didn't you read his edgy shirt?

he built your record collection

He is right though

"Johnny Fuckin' Marr" seriously he hasn't done anything semi-decent since The Smiths(1987)

Kurt Cobain says ISIS are a "threat to peace"

Back to your tent Achmed.

"Are you kidding me?" - Johnny Marr. 2016

yes he is

Brexit supporters are more like extremely hungover teenagers, in the sense that most of them regret their decision

Morrissey's probably for it he hasn't said anything about it but judging previous statements i imagine he's for it.

"England for the English"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with nationalism and having pride in your country. Its not black and white as MSM leads many to believe. We can still trade and cross pollinate culturally while still maintaining uniqueness .

Individuality is one of the most important things in this world, and on paper, homogenous globalist agendas seem to be exactly the opposite of what leftist ideologies push for. Every should be an individual and that goes for nations as well

he's a good musician but a total dumbass in regards to politics