To Be Kind Part 2: This time it's not as good

To Be Kind Part 2: This time it's not as good

hi marcel

hi anthony

I'm planning on seeing this band live. y/n for earplugs?

definitely yes

wow i didn't know plebs of this caliber existed

Definite yes. Even with earplugs they're insanely loud. Without earplugs it's genuinely dangerous.


>not knowing the answer to this already
tbk was first swans album wasnt it

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Swans

What the fuck happened?

To Be Kind Of Okay

Unlike TBK, they found a bunch of memes that they could immediately latch on to; enabling them to pretend to dislike something in the hopes of aggravating someone who genuinely likes Swans and is aware that they're trolling, but is angry that they are trolling because they have no reason to do so beyond self-loathing and lack of outside interests.

#1 example of memes with TGM:
etc, etc.

Sup Forums is a containment board for the people who use posting styles like that, so such posts never get deleted even when reported dozens of times, and frustration gradually builds over that fact. The ironic shitposters get replied to by meta-ironic shitposters and then they derail a thread by trying to one-up each other; completely losing any focus on Swans, and making it *appear* like nobody in the thread likes or liked Swans.


you are delusional user. you find it very hard to believe that people who have listened to more music than you and who's first encounter with swans isn't TGM to think that this album is too derivative of TBK to warrant any praise beyond "it's okay". so as a defense mechanism, you latch onto the argument that this place is a cesspool and people are just shitposting lmao xDD

instead of whining about the shitposters i'd love to hear you explain why you think this album isn't derivative

this is your chance to have a serious discussion

With most people I've talked to, it's not "hate" so much as a feeling that this iteration of Swans has accomplished what it's going to accomplish.

The 15:36 comment is a genuine criticism that only shit posters meme. I'm a huge swans fan but I find 15:36 to be a very relevant critique of the albums production.
The glowing man isn't even best when it's riffing or going crazy. It's at its best when it's reserved and Droney. It does that so much better than TBK, it also carries itself better than TBK. The transitions (outside of 1536) are much smoother and make more sense. You can also tell how much the band is just playing off each other at this point and it shows how comfortable they are with each other. Probably why Gira is switching it up from here on out

cause the bitch cried rape

You're one of them, and you didn't even try that hard to hide it.

What do you think Gira's gonna do for the next lineups? Bring back old collaborators, like Sonic Youth, members of Circus Mort, or Sue Hanel? Or try to get more pop-y, "new" artists on-board, like more St Vincent-type musicians? Or something else entirely?

Regardless of all of that, I hope Westberg's around for at least some of it. Love that guy.

Would love to see it become a gorillaz esque collaborative effort with Gira, and Westberg at helm and they just bring on guest musicians.


what the fuck does 15:36 mean

listen to that part of Frankie M and focus on the cymbal


i didnt get it at first but holy fuck

All this Sup Forums autism over a single cymbal hit being slightly off compared to the rest? Is that what it is all about? This must be a new low for this board, it's like you're running out of things to shitpost about.

whatever helps you sleep at night

It's not hit slightly off. The mix is fucked and gets completely cut off you idiot.

yet i enjoy it more

Actually it doesn't get "completely cut off", clean your ears. It blends with the rest.

No it doesn't.

I have fatal familial insomnia.

Yes, i does


hey that was me :-)