Itt: we post our worst musical phase

itt: we post our worst musical phase

>REALLY liking all of childish gambino's albums so much that i unironically considered getting a tattoo of his face.
>but it really was what got me into hip hop so not all that bad at all

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I remember liking death metal for a brief phase when I was about 13 - i.e. Slipknot and other major death metal bands.

Looking back it was cringe worthy. At least I never adopted the metal sub-culture and it was a brief phase.


that sounds pretty bad pham. did you wear black clothing and dye your hair black and all those other memes too

>There was a point in my life where I unironically listened to Train and Lifehouse.

I listened to Eminem exclusively when I was in 8th grade. I knew every word and I thought I was so edgy.

Similarly to OP, it got me into hip-hop, so it could've been worse.


I became the literal embodiment of lewronggeneration in 7th grade and was a general ass to people

Got me into music as a whole, but God I was a prick

Being an OFWGKTA stan, even typing that word makes me cringe so hard. I went around drawing inverted crosses in textbooks etc

I was heavily into scene music and crabcore shit back in the day and it makes me cringe now. That shit was awful

After that I went through an EDM kiddie phase too. Those were dark times


At one point my only 3 CDs were No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom, That Chumbawumba one, the The Presidents of the United States of America self titled album.

EDM is still fresh dont switch ship you´re missing out bro
or do you got anything against massive parties, pussy and drugs?

At least No Doubt is good. And Peaches by Presidents of the USA is nostalgia-core for me

90% of the appeal was me wanting to bang Gwen Stefani, in retrospect. Catchy fuckin' songs tho. Spiderwebs, Just a girl, etc.

I liked Death Grips in 2011-2012.

>Death metal

I'm convinced Gwen Stefani has found the fountain of youth along with MIA and Sufjan. And No Doubt is definitely fun as hell

From 15-17 I was your typical wrong generation dadrock worshipper and listened to the Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd pretty much exclusively during those years.

They're still great bands but I never listen to them now becuase I burned out on them

I used to like metal, and I had long hair. It hurts to remember these times.


metal is great tho

fuck you desu

I used to listen to hip hop.

i used to like Sup Forumscore


[spoiler] tfw seeing slipknot and Marilyn Manson in August [/spoiler]

Too bad you didn't grow out of the phase of being a fag

I used to listen to rammstein in 8th grade but it was the gateway into better metal and eventually guitar

Ultimate cringe

rammstein is good though

still going strong pham

unironically thought AC/DC was god's gift to music. I was 12 so It's forgivable imo.

For me It felt like for a metal band it was lacking in the guitar department

My high school ska phase (2nd wave ska but still)

I used to like Blink-182 because a couple of kids at my bus stop I knew liked them and I wanted to be cool like them. It was a dumb decision I made, although I can't say it didn't propel my interest in punk music. When people are saying just be yourself, you should probably follow that advice to spare your sanity. Although I can't really shake the feeling that I was already bound to discover more punk music due to me already liking edgy stuff like MCR and Linkin Park, and the fact that I got back into punk rock after trying to move away from it for 2 years because of specific albums that were shared on Sup Forums.

Underoath is one of the very few bands from that period in my life that I can still listen to.
They were, and still are, pretty great.

Dream Theater, Symphony X, that shit.

I was way into prog meal in college

thank god i didn't listen to any other mid-00s warped-tourcore then. they'd be okay if the leader singer never tried to do anything guttural, he was really bad at it.

There is nothing wrong with these.

>Ctrl F
> No MCR

Well I guess I'm the biggest faggot here

Because MCR were rad.

This. In my sophmore year of high school I got really into bands like Dance Gavin Dance, The Color Morale, I See Stars, Issues... ugh. I didn't even really like any of it I was just being an edgelord. Also had a pop punk phase around the same time. Bleh.

Meant to reply to

That's not even that bad though

I listened to post hardcore/ all that bullshit scene music and loved it
>Bless the Fall
>Escape The Fate
>Attack Attack
>Asking Alexandria

I've repented for my sins to the gods of Sup Forums for 5 years now and can confess that I am free of any and all pleb. I am clean brothers, but forever stained by the past

pop punk + metalcore + nu metal

Yeah, it be

I thought The Beatles were my favorite band after playing their Rock Band game, and considered "1" to be my favorite album from them.

Eminem's still one of the greatest to ever do it, even if it was for a brief period of time with only a few noteworthy albums

>buying 2 lonely island albums
>listening to them multiple times.
I was 12, please be nice

My favorite band when i was 10 was nickeback. When i told my dad he got really mad.

Who /nightwish/ here?
Though I really only liked them because of some 2009-era youtube meme.

wouldn't you be?

Id beat my son if he told me he liked nickleback desu

>bought 2 Lonely Island albums
>when 12
>second Lonely Island album came out in 2011

underage b&

Was obsessed with Deadmau5 and related artists in middle school, and was insufferable about it.

I went through a dadrock phase to a prog rock 2deep4u phase to "listening to shitty EDM on youtube" phase to Sup Forumscore dick sucking phase to my tastes now. At least my tastes aren't so faggy anymore

Must be bait.

I must've been 13. just remembered the school year. thought 12 would be less cringeworhty

I used to listen to almost entirely kpop

I'm still in it

wanting a tattoo of the face of any music artist proves you were, and are, completely braindead

>or do you got anything against massive parties, pussy and drugs?
I like those things. The music is just awful.

for a very brief time, like a couple months, as I was getting into metal I loved 5fdp

Shit, thats fucking nothing.
When i was in 6th grade I listened to shit from the Disney Channel.

Obviously I threw away the cd and tried to block it out of my mind, but the shit still persists. Kind of like being molested as a child.

extreme metal and horrorcore when i was 13

im sure i was worse and one point too but i cant think of anything

i listened to shitty wigger rap till begining of high school and i was a major poser wearing hood and walking arround with my pants low.
It was all very cringy because i had next to no confidence to pull off this image and so alot of people would mock me like ask me to "spit some rhymes" for them, break dance or come up to me and be like "yo yo whusup mah nigga whuz gud". Still i dont hate myself for that since i didnt knew much about music back then.

>tfw still like nightwish

For a while I was really into Death Grips, in hindsight I just cringe

there was a time I listened to hip-hop when i was 11 for a while, I'm glad I grew out of it

i used to like this when I was liek 9, and also europop/hardcore at the same age.


their first album was pretty good imo

listened to shitty 2010 era brostep for a while, not even skrillex type shit but like, stupidly bad heavy dubstep

I had both electroswing and synthwave phases

I was one of those faggots that felt enlightened by listening to either

9th Grade - I was into Linkin Park & Fort Minor. Also into popular rap of the time (think 08-09), & Korn.

Cringing as I type this. Not that they were bad bands, but that I thought they were cool and badass. 90% of Linkin Park & Fort Minor is whining, Korn is White Trash & the rap stuff was sub Ghetto-tier.

But this phase made me learn about Golden-age hip-hop, R&B & Classic Rock, so not all was lost.

There was a period in high school where I listened to Fairyland every single day, at the height of my symphonic/power metal phase

>not Sempiternal

get out desu

back in 2014 I was really into indie rock like DIIV, Mac DeMarco, Wild Nothing and Beach Fossils, still feel very pleb about it

damn dude, i'm in an empty house with the nearest neighbor a mile away, and i'm looking over my shoulder as i listen to this shit

>Starting to listen to Slipknot
>label their mp3 files as 'death metal' because they're so badass

>post hardcore

no please dont call that shit post hardcore

>and all that other scene music
Besides homie, theres like 2 good post hardcore albums and it's a little cringey to say that

>so lonely and sad that I went to a babymetal concert alone

slipknot is not death metal you idiot

I had a phase, where I listened to nothing but ska.

I used to be one of those "If it was recorded after the year 1999 I am NOT LISTENING to it" kiddos lewrong generators kind of deal.
That whole phase went out the window when I discovered bands like Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes, and Maximo Park. I still really love Maximo Park in fact.

Holy fuck man. At least you were in a great mood all the time listening to that upbeat sheit

I had a Black Eyed Peas phase. And I'm talking about the post-Monkey Business BEP. I thought 'Boom Boom Pow' was one of the greatest songs ever.

Makes me want to kill myself every time I think back about it. But I was a stupid twelve year old, so it's okay, right?

there was a stretch of about one year where the only music I listened to was videogame music

Before smartphones and mobile scrobbling was a thing. I really needed to make sure I scrobbled the songs I listened on my phone while out. So I played them on my PC once I got home.

>end me

When Em was big I was one of those misfits who would blare his music all the time and talk about how he was the greatest rapper of all time despite never having listened to hardly anything besides Eminem. Dark days.

>he doesn't like dubstep anymore
Listen to this and tell me you don't love it.

There is a percentage of people among you who spent a good percentage of your youth's listening to Limp Bizkit.

Know that I am among that percentage as well. You're not alone.

Not cringe desu. When I used I would always play the same songs on my PC while I listened to CDs so it would scrobble.

What a bait

That is cringe.
Just scrobbling is cringe.

But extreme metal is good

>liked post-Insomniac Green Day
>thought it was "better" than anything before Insomniac