

what does this even mean


>iggy pop
>brian wilson
>in heaven

The fuck?

>dave grohl


The fuck is this chart?

Taylor > Lauren > Annie > Ogre

Hey look, I found the original chart

Really makes you think.

Havent laughed this hard in a while user, thanks

i like this chart better

thanks for sharing senpai

>in heaven
>in hell

Carly Rae's good now tho

implying michael jackson went to heaven

Is that Ozzy right down on heaven? How can you think like that?

This is a really failed joke isn't it
You are aware that Elliot smith is dead and iggy pop isn't?

>implying those fags and junkies went the heaven

Was Janice Joplin the first transgender artist to make it big?

best one

most accurate one

elliot smith is alive you fucking idiot

stop comparing classical music to shit like kanye west it's stupid because NO similarities

look at this bluepilled moron

someone post the rym one