ITT: albums/artists that were part of viral marketing campaigns on Sup Forums


its good tho


someone post the archive link

no, it was a viraling campaign on rym, then moo droned them off

you're favorite album

Yes. She was actually marketed by Spotify vía the dude that co-founded Napster

Car Seat Headrest
Aaron Ellis/Zachariah Holte
Death Grips - ARG
All vaporshitters


But it was viraled on Sup Forums after the rym thing aswell. There's no other way there'd be so many people shilling the fuck out of it and then nearly no discussion two months later.

Definitely Car Seat Headrest,

really liked the album but there were 100% shill threads every day.

This album is so bad.


Nice bait

Do you actually like it? Why?

nice try dimitri

that's just how fotm works, not that shilling isn't necessarily mutually exclusive

Death Grips
Have a Nice Life (admitted by Dan)
Car Seat Headrest
Zachariah Holte
2 8 1 4
Humble Cannons
Prah Suofmani Ruoy for a while
That one album with the girl skating on the cover, it had a weird vocal sample of some guy saying Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished
Many others, I definitely missed some

The burden of proof is on you lad, why do you dislike it?

>That one album with the girl skating on the cover, it had a weird vocal sample of some guy saying Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished
what's this


Lana del Rey
Hotman, but DC Pussyman at least put some (admittedly shitty) humor into his viral campaign

It was an album made by a trip called The Ghost Of Jean Bealiveu (forget the spelling of the last part), don't remember the name though

These are good tbqh

>Have a Nice Life (admitted by Dan)


What year was that when it seemed like her viral marketeers took over Sup Forums for a whole summer?



I'm actually not that other user. But I think the recording quality is amateurish, the singer's voice is poor, the musicianship is sub-par and the songwriting relies too heavily on timbre at the expense of compelling melody, harmony, etc.


J Mathematics.

doesn't she direct music videos now?