Is this art music or rock music

is this art music or rock music

all music is art music

both kinda, but more so rock music

I'd say art music. Favorite GY!BE release so far.

no art music is the kind people study and shit

like its not implying that rock music can't be considered art

but there is such a distinction between stuff that is art music and stuff that isn't

Hey now my ancestor was a cephalopoid I take offense.


>people actually think GY!BE is '''''''''''''''''''''''''art''''''''''''''''''''''' music

but y

>but there is such a distinction between stuff that is art music and stuff that isn't
Wouldn't it have to exist on a scale though? Godspeed is a pretty good example of a band that rests somewhere between popular and art music, so I'm not sure that you can evenly put things into two categories like that.

fart music

>the "being art is a merit" meme
There's shit art and good art. Arts are simply works produced by human creative skill and imagination, which can be lacking or not.


It's nowhere near art music. Normal rock music is closer to art music than this shit.

what are these ''''''''qualities''''''' that define ''''''art'''''' music then?

yeah but it's a stupid term that means nothing



its just buttrock

What about those Ferneyhough string quartets I was listening to just now tho

I would not worry about if it is art or rock. technically it is both.

What you can not say about it is that it is "pop" music

1 - pop music must be popular by definition, or at least emulate music that is popular. I couldnt find any hard numbers, but doubt any of their records even went gold. my guess is they have sold in the 100,000 - 300,000 each. When you consider that world-wide, there is a record buying population of more than 3 billion people, even on the high end, that means only one out of every 10,000 music consumers bought their music

2 - Pop music would be played on popular music stations. This maybe gets light airplay on some obc=scure ecclectic music channels or podcasts, but not on anything approaching popular.

he's more artifice than art

nice headcanon definition retard

define elsewise, please

It isn't art music, but that doesn't mean it isn't art

>pop music must be popular by definition
what no

>Pop music would be played on popular music stations
what no