>so derivative of peralvana you'd think they visited their studios and bought the same gear >every song up to disarm is literally the same song >frighteningly monotonous guitar tone >not a single memorable riff >all solos are the same solo - static scratchy-scratchy nonsense >all drumming is the same drumming - i-have-no-fucking-clue-what-the-pocket-is-or-what-groove-or-even-rhythm-means-but-that-part-from-even-flow-was-so-cool >the bass adds nothing, it's just there for the string noises >abysmal songwriting - whole minutes of droning nothings, here comes le release XD!!! >billy has no prosody, all vocals sounds the same >eyyy-ahhh >nnnnnnnnn >le emotional sighing >the lyrics are an embarrassment to the very idea of human language >I hear your winter >I hear your rain >I've failed your summer ways >And I feel no pain >literally mongoloid kindergarten nursery rhymes
Just what the fuck are you guys doing shilling this shit every other day? Holy Jesus.
Gavin Parker
nice thread faget
for real tho, am I the only one who always thought 'disarm' was like a sort of power ballad version of MBV's 'sometimes'? like, it's like sometimes but minus the fuzz and plus bombast, grunge-era angst and strings
ofc I know the whole album is heavily influenced by MBV but those 2 tracks in particular always caught my attention
Camden Smith
Off yourself.
Hunter Torres
This is some of the shittiest bait I've seen in a long time
Xavier Harris
>convincing myself this is bait means I don't have to try to provide counterarguments and face the real possibility of realizing this album is shit
Josiah Russell
>still no rebuttals >mfw
Brandon Hughes
Pretty sure tis bait. I love me some Siamese Dream
Nicholas Gutierrez
This is probably my favourite album of all time so fuck you
Robert Russell
>frighteningly monotonous guitar tone >all drumming is the same drumming Bait this bad deserves sage
Wyatt Butler
Owen Brooks
>still no rebuttals That's because everything in the OP is completely wrong
Next you're gonna want us to disprove Russel's Teapot
Hunter Jenkins
Melon Collie's better tho
Jason Howard
>an actual /r/atheist
Nicholas Lopez
I'm not an atheist. It's just literally impossible to disprove Russel's Teapot.
Andrew Brooks
>>so derivative of peralvana you'd think they visited their studios and bought the same gear >>every song up to disarm is literally the same song >>frighteningly monotonous guitar tone >>not a single memorable riff >>all solos are the same solo - static scratchy-scratchy nonsense >>all drumming is the same drumming - i-have-no-fucking-clue-what-the-pocket-is-or-what-groove-or-even-rhythm-means-but-that-part-from-even-flow-was-so-cool >>the bass adds nothing, it's just there for the string noises >>abysmal songwriting - whole minutes of droning nothings, here comes le release XD!!! >>billy has no prosody, all vocals sounds the same >>eyyy-ahhh >>nnnnnnnnn >>le emotional sighing >>the lyrics are an embarrassment to the very idea of human language >>I hear your winter >>I hear your rain >>I've failed your summer ways >>And I feel no pain >>literally mongoloid kindergarten nursery rhymes >Just what the fuck are you guys doing shilling this shit every other day? Holy Jesus.
Still better then Radiohead :)
Parker Ortiz
You wrote all of this post and then called the rest of Sup Forums autistic
Think about that for a while
Cooper Adams
Not much of a Radiohead fun but at least they don't sound like lobotomized Nirvana.
Daniel Cooper
Yeah but neither do the Smashing Pumpkins.
Stone Temple Pilots, they're the real lobotomized Nirvana.
Matthew Scott
The fuck is peralvana? And I disagree with this whole thing. It's just a really good album. Nothing hugely revolutionary like you seemed to have expected it to be but the songwriting is solid and the production is top notch.
Juan Walker
Melon Collie is like they stripped all of what made their previous efforts interesting and made a generic rock album
Henry Hughes
why are you so angry pal. do you need a snack
Nolan Sullivan
its weird to me that chamberlin's drumming was god tier on siamese dream but so uninspired on melon collie