Damn I suddenly love Ariel
Damn I suddenly love Ariel
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Based Ariel
AMA here when
Ariel is pretty hard to dislike, no matter how hard journalists or even himself try.
Plus, I bet he's browsing this thread right now. Hi Ariel.
Literally who
>this much assblast
How many times has this "author" gotten her shit mashed in here, Sup Forums?
I agree with her t b h.
What's even the context here
what did ariel do?
What, you're still blogging? Jesus christ
These fags need to stop acting like they know anything about this website.
what's there to know?
that you're a bunch of faggots with shit taste?
Why was that allowed?
my room mate and friend know him personally.
he's a cuck.
fuck off, grimes
you smelly toad
that whole inbred slew of L.A artists are retarded.
when will he make his first good album, Sup Forums?
I've made five good albums faggot
I want to suck his cock in respect right now, what a BASED
What did he say?
i can't believe this talentless hack got criticized for having a shitty worldview, what a world we live in
alanna mcardle is such a whiner
for the oldfags :^)
I just hope people don't associate my hate for him with this whole SJW business, I've hated him for years
he did something similar when he played in my town lmao
Is it too close to home?
Is it too near the bone?
so, I had a red jumpsuit from halloween. and my friends wanted to use it for some stupid video they were making and they ended up making ariel wear it for his show in brooklyn. and I stole it back from her.
so now i have his shitty little dried up cunt juice all over this red jumpsuit.
don't blame him
imagine trying to preform in front of hundreds of normal fags who probably don't appreciate the music as much as the artist himself, shits terrifying to me
Ariel is a dude.
I'm surprised by the hate of Ariel on here. He's one of the best.
fuck yeah Ariel: youtube.com
Ariel is awesome. Would be sad if he folded to P4Kian "It's 2016 We Need To Genocide White Culture" Identity Politics but hey, that's life these days. Easier just to go along with it than to actually call it like it "muh-fuckin" is feel me
He definitely looks like he's on something here.
then why the fuck did they give his new album BNM the SAME year
go on...
This will never not be hilarious.
what's his joke and why isn't it funny ?
ask Morrissey