Why do women suck so much at music? There are barely any good female composers, producers or instrumentalist...

Why do women suck so much at music? There are barely any good female composers, producers or instrumentalist. The women that do succeed in the music business usually do so as performers, i.e. talentless hacks whoring out their images and bodies. Why?

Because it's all that appeals to sex-obsessed, lustful, sinful Men. Men are so stupid they have a little brain inside their micropenis that thinks for them. They're so easy to dominate, I LOVE dominating them sexually and financially.

pls dominate me ;-;

Clara Iannotta's A Failed Entertainment is the best composed album of the year you dweeb

>There are barely any good female composers, producers or instrumentalist.

same goes for men.

No, you didn't pay.

how do i pay

Carol Kaye Jarboe Delia Derbyshire Martha Argerich Elizabeth Frasier Holly Herndon Hildegard of Bingen Nico Takako Minekawa Eliane Radigue Jan Terri Bjork Yoshimi P-We Tokimonsta

ITT: sexism

Because it's kinda stupid to devote your life to music and women tend to make more responsible 'safe' life choices.

I think it's because around the time of music becoming more of money making, the main pop female singers were shit, and that stays today

>including hildegard of bingen and tokimonsta on the same list

holy shit

Women < Males

With your very soul.

Someone can't handle the truth!

do you seriously not know OP?

wow, and I thought critical reasoning skills were basic human nature.

key word nature. men and women, male and female are what? that is the first question to ask if you should put yourself on the road to truly answer this question. at the root, what is male and female, why do these two natural forces combine to form "new" creations? what does each bring?

open your mind friend, think deeply

Just in terms of biology, they have absolutely no reason to be creative. Men are the one who penetrate, physically and creatively, while women receive. That said, there are amazing female musicians, but most of them aren't Sup Forumscore. Check out Josephine Foster and Fursaxa.

This thread happens all the time, so I'll let you in on a secret. You guys can't tell anyone, because if my sisters found out I was telling you this they'd kill me. The reason there are no good female composers, producers, or instrumentalists, is because we keep all the good music we make to ourselves. There's a secret worldwide club that any woman can join and membership includes access to all of the secret masterpieces made by women. Nothing ever gets leaked because women are by nature more trustworthy than men. For every masterpiece made by a man, there are 5 secret masterpieces made by a woman.

she's shit

Women don't listen to music and I don't listen to women *samurai sword*

B-but, we are all equal, right?

lol one session with me and i would leave you BROKEN my love


not sure I agree. if you've made something, you realize that you become "immersed" in the creative process and become focused on making it "as good as possible"...but not everything that is made is used like a "peacock feather" or something like that.

certainly, it boosts the ego, but the root of the creative process is to MAKE something outside of the self as perfected as possible, not to glorify the creator. it pushes the limits of the creator, to be a better creator is to have less limits.

I guess I'm saying I don't see how the "penetration" angle works here. the desire to "make" something "good" is a desire to have the mind in a hyperaware, generative state of near ecstacy,

yea yea yea "tips fedora"

>my love
oh fucking god, hnnnggg

Worst song on The Glow. No wonder women wouldn't like it

You are BENEATH me, subhuman.

t. Courtney Love

I need to know who you are ;-;

>Why do men suck so much at music? There are barely any good male composers, producers or instrumentalist. The men that do succeed in the music business usually do so as performers, i.e. talentless hacks whoring out their images and bodies. Why?

That's why I don't listen to them *the moon*

nice bluff

the dominatrix game is a roleplay more than anything. nothing more

like hypnosis it requires the consent of the target, wheras true domination is non-negotiable

call me

Well considering that everything in existence is the result of sexual energy, it makes sense. Women can give birth to other human beings - something that men are incapable of - but they need men to do that. Men will never be able to produce something on that level, so their sexual energy goes to things like art. Also, if you are releasing semen too frequently, that's your creativity.

>Well considering that everything in existence is the result of sexual energy
did the weed i just smoked was just sexual energy? :-]