This album is so damn good. I love it

This album is so damn good. I love it.

Favorite track would probably be Some Things We Do

My favorite track by far is Bring The Sun / Toussaint L'Ouverture, so fucking epic at the 15-19 minute point, then it builds right back up and finishes in much the same manner.

Oxygen is the manifestation of all ferocity

You guys are right, but my favorite track would have to be either Screen Shot or Oxygen.

Probably Oxygen.

Oxygen is so fucking good.

If someone had to die for that song to be created, I'm totally fine with that.

Oxygen has a very nice guitar intro, it mixes well with the other instruments as the song progresses

Bring the Sun is one of the greatest songs of all time.

It's a fucking monster of a song.

Nice meme.


tgm is better



no you. youre wrong

Why you be such a bad li'l boy, telling lies on the Internet?

Where is this alternate album cover from?

Iglooghost on the left.




She Loves Us is my favorite, definitely the best hypnotic rythms

to be kind is the best one, god damn, so many great parts happen

going through my everyday life and people think I'm sane but inside I'm just repeating mantras

>No knife, no mind, no hand, no fear
>sopa summon the masta
>mau mau mau mau mau

Thats a distorted bass son. The only guitar is the strum at the start of the riff.