Wtf I hate Bowie now

> Bowie would make several pro-fascist comments during interviews, including praises of nationalism and Adolf Hitler, culminating in a famous photograph of Bowie allegedly giving a Nazi salute.

he's clearly waving

I'm happy to report I experience no cognitive dissonance because I never liked Bowie to begin with. All style and no substance. Fuckin' hack. Probably lurked Sup Forums and Sup Forums which is gross.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with nationalism and having pride in your country's heritage

That was during the tin-white duke era.
Bowie take his personas way to serious.

but what about the fascism/pro-hitler part user? you didn't address that part user.
>having pride in your country
>adoring the greatest enemy your country has ever had

this was during his cocaine-induced paranoiac stage, a period of his life which he largely didn't even remember later on, due to the metric fuckton of drugs and little food or sleep he was doing

>people don't realize Bowie was a master of pretending to be retarded

Cocaine is a hell of a drug brah.

>coked up rockstar trying to sell a shocking character and possibly out of his mind expresses fringe beliefs

It's not really that surprising

>at one time Bowie's diet consisted of only cocaine, peppers, and milk
>doesn't even remember making one of the best albums of the 1970s
How can one man be so based?

>peppers and milk
how did he not vomited himself to death, that always sounded disgusting and a terrible combination

have you never been on a coke binge user? peppers and milk is about the only thing I want to eat

>fucked up on coke
>playing a fascist alter-ego character
yeah, he definitely didn't mean any of what he said

I think the things he did in the eighties in terms of anti-racism surely show he wasn't a fascist.

milk cools your mouth down from the peppers
unlike water

>I'm going to take some shit out of context and blow it out of proportion and then judge this person's entire life's worth by it because I myself have surely never said anything others could object to or conflate. How DARE famous people be as human as I am

whats wrong with having a different opinion?
what are you, a fascist?

What's wrong with being a fascist?

Your palm is suppose to be face down in a Nazi salute, he's obviously waving.
>In character as Ziggy Stardust, "I love sucking cocks"
>>Oh wow what a character lmao
>In character as Jareth, "You have thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us... forever. "
>>Oh wow what a character lmao
>In character as the Duke, "Fascism can be good"
>>wtf I hate Bowie now

bell peppers

there's literally nothing wrong with sucking dicks

Didn't he just say Hitler "was the first rockstar"
That's not praise or adoration.