Artist's name is a reference to a movie or tv show

>artist's name is a reference to a movie or tv show

U wot?

>artist's name not directly from a defunct guitar amp manufacturer

>artist's name is the plural form of a noun that is otherwise predominantly used in the singular form in common practical parlance

wtf happened to doggo did he live

he's just shaking his head haha but it's a pretty funny picture though but he's fine trust me lol

don't you dare scare me like this again

>artist's name translates to mushroom kingdom

Bands named after horror movies are usually pretty good.

>artist's name is a spoonerism of someone more famous and talented than them


>artist name is a pun of a fictional character

fucking makes me cringe everytime

meant to say s m h

Twin Peaks is the dumbest fucking band name I've heard in a long time.


Wow... yeah, that's up there with Com Truise

name or album/song title a reference to the simpsons

And Elvis Depressedly

Lol. I actually had to look that one up to confirm.

>look it up
>see this
>yep... that's about right


he's just charging up for his torpedo attack

not funny animal abuse

six feet under
please dont post that anal cunt song

cheery O)))?

Com Truise?

I really hate these

name 10

Came to this thread specifically to complain about this one

first post best post
