>The modern society dosen't now what is rock.
>Lenny Kravitz was rigth.
>I don't dislike Twenty one pilots, but they are not a rock band.
>I've check the billboard list and a lot of song donsen't sound like convensional rock, they sound too alternative.
Rock N' Roll is Dead
Other urls found in this thread:
let it go
james bay
21 pilots are what i call nu punk.
You take a pinch of blink 182, a pinch of nu metal but leave out the metal part and a dash of odd future, you have the lead singer rap sing like anthony kiedis then mix them in a top 40 pop pot and then you market them to teenage retards and all of a sudden rock can come back on the charts.
All that being said they suck donkey balls
Rock is a niche genre now. Sorry guys.
21 pilots may be the future and Sup Forums is in denial.
That is sad m8 because modern music is getting so generic and lame specially on the lyric side.
I don't think that Let it go by James bay is rock?
>if artists from said genre is not top of the list, genre is dead
Just how much of a fucking whore of the music industry you have to be?
The modern rock is alternative but its so alternative that sound like something indie.
>dosen't now what is rock.
There was mainstream rock into the late 2000s but this decade major record labels abruptly stopped funding it.
Great song, its sad/kinda of cool that isn't that popular.
they started funding EDM and electronic music became the hyper shallow capitalistic monster we know today.
Also the rock charts are now for ultra soft, softer than soft soft rock and shit that isnt even rock music.
Also coupled with the rise of poptmism, it has really been a bad decade for rock.
But i expect more bands to appear that rip off 21 pilots and the 1975
awesome glad you like it. I just randomly found it in a used bin and picked it up solely because the copyright was 2016
Deftones is probably my genuine and objective RAOTY but considering the thread subject I thought this song was especially appropriate since a lot of Deftones is pretty heavy at times and almost always referred to as alternative metal.
Exactly they become softer and so freakinn alternative that dosen't sound like rock.
You're looking at the wrong chart, you should be checking the mainstream rock chart.
And believe me, what you'll find there is much, much worse.
>became the hyper shallow capitalistic monster we know today.
>implying rock was any better
electronic music in america used to be very underground and niche, it was cool.
Now its just some repetitive bullshit thats sold to fratbros and sorority sluts that like to get drunk and yell "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
I guess no one is paying attention to rock, even the critics who have taken up blind poptmism and jerking off to edm and rap so rock is kind of free to do whatever it wants
Its a shame that modern music is sealed in a can for everyone to buy it.
dubs confirm for that was the point buddo
What is rock to you?
AOTY 2015 was rock
Does anyone have any more good modern rock?
Published on April 23, 2016
Is everyone in this thread underage?
granted the band I just posted was featured in this month's Teen Vogue
I don't think I've actually ever heard of them. Am I getting old?
Isn't bad but is too much alternative for me, i want something Hollywood vampires
nah its their debut album and it just came out a couple months ago
>Hollywood vampires
not familiar but i'll check em out
I wish that rock music will become mainstream someday in the future.
>Hollywood Vampires
>Released September 11, 2015
>first song is Raise the Dead
Honestly, you'd have to go all the way back to Sheryl Crow if you want to hear actual instruments in the Top-200 like Pedal/Lap Steel, Hammond B-3, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Bongos, etc.
They are new but i follow the artist like Alice and Joe.
bass on raise the dead makes me think of RAOTY 2014
There is this horror movie called jacobs ladder where a man walks through hell and meets demons, but at the end he realizes that the demons can also be angles, and they guided him to heaven.
What rock music has to realize is that it is now free to do whatever it wants because no critics or plebes are paying attention