Wallpaper thread?
Wallpaper thread?
A desktop setup with Trout Mask Replica wallpaper? Would be interesting to see.
*tips fedora*
"Yes, look at my patrician taste le miles davis "
I'll post some of mine
*tips fedora*
"le kanye west pitchfork gave it a 10!"
Why are you here?
are you autistic boi?
there's already two posts thay says >*tips fedora*
boy this thread is on fire
i have a folder from a thread a few years back with all of the classics really. name a band and ill see if i have it. i might upload the whole thing if people want them, just rec a site to do it easily on
XD Le Kane west sample lol patrician XD
OMG he rhymes lot of words XD so patrish le underground hippity hop
band and name helps. these things are listed by both artist and album
More Django wallpapers? Possibly some with his band.
>OMG so Patrician I pretend to like Swans
kill yourself
i dont get the point to this post. do you hate rap or hiphop or those two specifically that you are acting retarded ironically? at least post some wallpapers you tool
kys rapcuck
unfortunately i think thats the only django i have. sorry, unless i have it filed under a different name. but i doubt it.
he is testing our patience. just ignore
Spotted the cucks
what is wrong with you
heres a cool one, even if you dont like the music
Shit taste
does someone have some anco wallpapers?
i like deafheaven, not so much the other one. regardless, its not like its my favorite kind of music. im mainly just posting walls that others might like, or walls that are aesthetically pleasing
yes i do
yes i do
found the cuck
pretty sure everyone else in the thread should be ignored if you aint requesting or posting walls
no more ANCO
ill post more later if i see the thread up. done for now.
i like the residents walls. nice
I made this recently
One of their best albums btw.
contribootin, looking forward for more
please post more iphone wallpapers. i could use some new ones
thanks, i appreciate it
why iphone? can't a motorola guy use a vertical image too?
Totally bro
anyone have a BoC pape?
why not? i just said iphone because thats what i have, and i know we used to have iphone wall threads here a while back.
ill post a few more
Does someone have any Krautrock phone wallpaper?
Anyone got Jamie Xx, Avalanches, Microphones, or Talk Talk?
here ya go
Wow this is awesome thanks
just some of can, not much else. any specific album?
anyone got black saint and the sinner lady by mingus?
More iPhone
Neu, Faust... Ya know, the classics.
imma dump for a while
i thought i had a neu one, but i cant find it.
more eno please
if anyone wants something I'll see if I have it
Got Laughing Stock/Spirit of Eden ??
Can't find more eno
It doesnt bother me, don't get me wrong, but I feel it's more comfortable speaking in generic terms, ie phone wallpapers
ignore me
Do you have some cool MF DOOM one? Maybe Mm... Food?
Another eno, knew I had more