Boobies edition
Boobies edition
>Hi, we're here for split 7'' interview
Anyone listen to this? It's been out a few years but I only just found it.
Did somebody say bewbs
>atmoshit is good
>not listening to Graveland's Memory and Destiny, Summoning's Dol Guldur, and Bathory's Hammerheart at least 5 times a day each
Slam bands that don't suck
>like suffocation
>hate slam
How do you literally go from AtG and Suffocation to this?
Do you guys tag your slam as slam or do you just leave it under brutal death metal?
Brutal slam when
what is metal
something that is not played by Deathspell Omega and other dissoshit / atmoshitfests
>deathspell not metal
why isn't dissonance or atmosphere allowed?
There is a new Countess album
because it's garbage and literal meme music
Only thrash metal is metal. Beer, boobs, headbanging. I don't understand anything beyond that, so it ain't metal
Meant to reply to Sorry I'm wasted
You forgot moshing
lmao cuck out of my general
Fuck you and chill out man. Put on some slayeeer and bang your head bro!! Into the pit. Some death metal is also okay, like obituary, six feet under, bolt thrower
What makes music a meme?
What about a band like maudlin of the Well? they're avant-garde metal and have thrash influences.
Hipsters think it's cool to hate it now.
I listened to them because a friend wanted to" educate " me. Fuck this complicated noise. I listen to forbidden, real thrash man
Is there anything worse than people that only listen to slayer from metal shit and know 3 songs of theirs but are normies otherwise?
They only go into mosh because they look for a fight, and have no clue how to circlepit or wall of death
>atmoshit was soo yesterday
That's not very cool of them. Although I recommend giving them another go, on your own terms though.
Rude and uncalled for Chuan Pablo, bro. I stopped listening to Slayer like when I was 14 like, what the fuck, who still things about Satan? Like grow up man, I started listening to Municipal Waste and Tankard though man, that is some real shit not for pussies and I bet I slay every in the pit when they play man.
Yeah fuck circle pit and wall of death and fuck all neo thrash posers I'm 47 and only the 80s are real anyway.
Cool place though I might hang out
You're 47? Haha man I'm almost catching up to you, did you listen to the new Overkill and Metal Church man? Keeping the old school spirit alive man.
Metal church only the first and second are relevant fuck all that reunion bullshit and fuck overkill since they became groove shit and only reverted to thrash when the Internet came around and they smelled money!!! Old albums are good though
>people 20 years older than me shitposting on /metal/
shouldn't you be playing catch with your wife's son
I'm not mad at them bro, "do what you want to do" is the spirit of metal man, by the way did you get us tickets in the first row for the overpriced Death Angel concert so we can annoy the shit out of all those shitty neothrashers haha I'll slay them in the pit bro.
>AOTY is a reissued demo from 1992
metal is dead
>demos are albums
I bet you don't even collect splits
Demos are still not albums, what I do is irrelevant, and if demos are albums that demo is surely not AOTY.
You think old school is 1983
Ha! I've been a heavy metaller since '74
and almost nothing sounds true anymore
this isnt even the best metal album from Spain this year
literal god
It's a compilation of their first demo and unreleased material, therefore it's an album, therefore AOTY because everything else is shit
>millennials this desperate to disqualify it on a technicality because modern shit can't even compete with some random Swedeath
You think old school is 2004
Ha! I've been a slammer since 1994
and almost nothing sounds br00tal anymore
I miss 3 Chord Dorks
You think old school is 1974
Ha! I've been a rocker since '64
and almost nothing sounds heavy anymore
Are you stupid? It's still not an album then, it's a compilation, almost every compilation has unreleased material on it, stop being so desperate.
by maturing
SotS happened.
Not him but an album is a full length release. The word comes from back when most releases were 78 singles and an album was a literal album of records.
Demos aren't albums, singles obviously aren't albums, EPs aren't albums either. Arguably longer splits could be counted as albums but short ones definitely shouldn't
>Memory and Destiny
literally one of the worst black metal albums i've ever bothered to listen to
You think old school is 1964
Ha! I've been a rock n roller since '54
and almost nothing sounds swingin' anymore
does anyone actually completely genuinely unironically listen to slamshit?
I said absolutely nothing about albums being superior to other formats, just that other formats aren't albums.
who doesn't
We know, Pitchfork.
>check library
>brutal death metal
>1.8 GB
>atmospheric black metal
>8 GB
slam a shit
go home and listen to Fallujah, hipster
yes, i do
how do you ironically listen to music?
You illegally download an album, play the tracks in shuffle mode, skip every 30 seconds, listen to only about 10 to 15 seconds of it, skip the track, repeat until no more tracks, go to Pitchfork, Metallum and RYM to plagiarize the lowest rated reviews and shitpost on /metal/ for (You)s
You think old school is '13
Ha! I've been a corekid since 2004
and almost nothing gets me through everything anymore
You think old school is '04
Ha! I've been a scenekid since 1990
and I have almost nothing has real desperate emotions anymore!
why do people act like satyricon was ever good or relevant?
They are only relevant among gothics and hipsters
non-Norwegian detected
Name a better folk black band and album
pro tip; you can't.
>generic black metal for 2 minutes
>followed by generic bluegrass for a couple minutes
>never mixes the genres instead, rather segues into one another
>hipsters think this is incredible
>I could literally play any black metal album, pause it, put on bluegrass and it'd have the same effect
>b-b-b-but muh strong hitting social issue lyrics!!!
Get fukked
opinion discarded
This is really bad, do you really like this?
I'd love to see your dictionary of triggering words
Dark Forest
You think old school is 2013
Ha! I've been a hipster since 2004
and almost nothing sounds pretentious anymore
This general really is shit desu
Even the trolling is boring.
What faith can I have in a general that doesn't even have creative trolls?
Listened to the first few minutes, why are you posting bluegrass in /metal/?
There's always Jesse
Blackie detected
t. can't fathom someone enjoying slam because I got into metal through Ulver or some shit, so everyone else has to be trolling
>I'm an oldfag metalhead (since 2013) and I totally get slam and what metal is all about unlike you, you stupid blackie!
ha ha but we both know it's no less drab than any american atmoshit
What are some labels similar to Necroharmonic that primarily do reissues and compilations?
What genre?
black metal, grindcore, and powerviolence
This is pretty nice.
What is it?
are you referring to yourself?
Who are you talking to?
Marge Simpson
The tags say black metal but to me it's some form of blackened prog metal.
Well she's not here right now. Try
Been listening since the first album.
anyone have some blackend-slam they can post. need my daily fill. atmos-slam will do also