ITT: Great bands with shitty vocals

Posts bands or song that are (subjectively or objectively) great despite (or maybe because of) extremely shitty vocals

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>bad vocals


Nah, most skramz bands actually have bad vocalists. Dudes that just can't sing. Despite that, the vocals serve the intended purpose - like pic related.

god damnit

This is now a skramz general thread

I didn't like them at first but they grew on me a little bit, it's definitely my favorite skramz album now. They definitely fit the music. I just wish the vocalist didn't scream so fast in some parts, it really breaks the immersion of the album for me because it sounds kinda ridiculous, especially in songs like Closed Hands.

You And I
dude sounds fucking stupid when he tries to sing, but in the end it kinda adds to the charm


The reason I started this thread was because I knew it is bound to become a skramz thread at some point.

I recently got back into skramz after some time and suddenly realized I kinda don't enjoy talented, skilled clean singers anymore. I prefer to listen to teenagers yelling at their garage walls with raw emotion much more.

My all-time fave skramz album would be either "The Underdark" by Funeral Diner or "Like Shadows" by Ampere.

La Dispute certainly deserve to be mentioned here.

If we're going to talk about Emo bands with shitty vocalists...



nice b8 m8

As The Roots Undo is the best skramz album of all time.

Yet to dive into CTTS

orchid and funeral diner have been doing a lot for me lately

I just got into this band and they are truly bad meets good.
This is their best song.

saetia vocals are the best, it really takes using the voice as just another instrument to the extreme, with the dualing guitars, the voice fighting against itself to project a sound that conveys emotion of the music, whilst the lyrics have to cling on is what makes it so great

yep, goddamn it skramz

but i really like the vocalist and his lyrics :(

>bad vocals

what were you expecting?

good posts

everyone else please stop

You and I are one of those weird cases in which a band is literally nothing but complete cliches yet somehow use those cliches to make god tier music
like literally they're one of the most consistent screamo bands of all time


desu bands like Usurp Synapse did the whole "voice as a third guitar" thing way better

but other the the singing usurp synapse sucks

The vocals aren't bad at all.

They're bad in the sense that they draw attention away from the 11/10 songwriting.

The vocals are mediocre at best and take away from the genius of how the album is structured musically.

I mean, it's a punk band. Great vocals aren't a big part of what they set out to do.

Worse, they're a post-punk band.

So much talent gone to waste.


What songs are your favorites?

Btw everyone I feel compelled to mention that Jamie from Saetia is a practicing gynecologist in NYC and I live there and could go see him anytime I want :) This has been a longstanding joke of an idea but I actually really do need a birth control perscription right now...

Yeah, heard about that. Apparently he has a 6 string bass now and is focusing his musical "energy" off that.
Anywho, as for You And I, I'd have to list them: Tell Me about Your Childhood, Two Down One To Go, 143, Forever Lasts A Moment, Revision, Memory Loss, and Something To Remember.
I also really really like the lyrics to Saturday's Cab Ride Home but other then that the track is a limp dick musically.
Honestly everything they've released is like a 9 or 8 outta 10 for me

Something to remember is my other favorite. It starts out so strong but then the singing starts. They're still really growing on me though

Peter Gabriel-era Genesis


when I first found out about you and i, i couldn't get enough of them

Me either! That's why I am in this thread posting about them and listening to them right now.