Why is he hailed as a gay icon when he never said anything about being gay? I'm pretty sure he's straight

Why is he hailed as a gay icon when he never said anything about being gay? I'm pretty sure he's straight.

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He makes gay music

Society has a diseases on wanting to force labels upon people to sell us this role model thing so we can buy more shit to be like X

what's with the morrissey spam lately

He's had relations with men. For morris, a relationship doesn't become something more than a close friendship.

I dunno about him being gay but I'm p sure he would reject "straight" as a label as well. He has loved men.

listen to This Charming Man
he's literally being picked up by a dude

Here's a photo of Morrissey with his boyfriend of the time Jake Walters.

Morrissey arse photo taken by Jake Walters.

He claims to be asexual. Maybe he has feelings for men, but he's had relationships with women too. Maybe he's never "acted" on his homosexual feelings? That would make him bisexual in my book, based on feelings and desire.
But yeah, what
said, that song is pretty gay.

It's a huge open secret that Morrissey is gay, or at the very least bi.

I mean just listen to his lyrics.


Morrissey doesn't like labels and all that, but basically he is bisexual. He has had relationships with men and women. I think he said in his autobiography that he was a 'humasexual' because he likes humans.

>"You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

What did he mean by this?

Also this song is about Jake Walters.


he's definitely gay, i meant just read his lyrics. plus he collaborated with derek jarman, idolizes oscar wilde and 60s girl groups, had a relationship with a man, etc...
i'm gay as well and gay knows gay.

>makes up a word for his own sexuality

If he did say that, I'm guessing it has to do with the chinese eating dogs and whatnot since he is a vegan and all.

Pretty sure he admitted to banging dudes during his time in the Smiths in his auto biography

>60s girl groups
go on

he doesn't say hes straight bc its apart of his unpredictable unexact persona. yes, he is gay, but he doesn't want to be known as Morrissey The Gay Man bc artists are always defined by their gayness by the consumers.

wait do we hate faggots here or nah

In other Morrissey related new he just announced a Manchester tour date.


I think that's Sup Forums


Morrissey is Love, Morrissey is Life