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Which side does Stockhausen go?
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Kanye isn't an electronic musician. I'm getting sick of this "hip hop is electronic music" meme.
define electronic music fa m
pop music
Classical ELECTRONIC music
Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production.
just fucking end it all you psychopath.
ur so fnny dude xD
>trip hop
how is hip hop made ?
yes it is t b h
wht dont u agree w/ and y
explain why hip hop isn't electronic music then
So everything involving production, digital recording and an electric guitar?
Seems like a useless definition to me t b h
kanye's production style especially is heavily influenced by electro music u fool
Not all hip hop is made with electronic instruments, you fucking retards.
Just 99.5% of it.
It is
most hip hop is made with electronic instruments
since like the 70s
so i don't really see your point
>Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production.
you're retarded
I thought black people made the beats with their mouths? Isn't that what beatboxing is for?
electro influenced hip hop is about on the same level as synthpop in "electronic-ness" (as in not really at all.)
turntablism shit is more influenced by the funk/soul/jazz records they're sampling
all on the left
Influence is irrelevant to how the music is produced, which is electronically.
Holy kek no wonder why Sup Forums is so clueless
nobody thinks burial should be on the left
Techno is heavily influenced by funk
House is heavily influenced by R&B / disco
Guess nothing is electronic
I'll just wait here for you to provide a better source with multiple citations defining electronic music...
Garage is EDM
Burial is garage
Electronic music is music that goes "BEEP BLOOP BEEP BLOOP" and sometimes "WOOOOSH WUBBA WUBBA WUBBA"
Daft Punk > Aphex Twin
>Although any music produced or modified by electrical, electromechanical, or electronic means can be called electronic music, it is more precise to say that for a piece of music to be electronic its composer must anticipate the electronic processing subsequently applied to his musical concept, so that the final product reflects in some way his interaction with the medium.
Ergo, hip hop.
>b-but the majority of it is
Yeah, except that's not how electronic genres are defined. It is entirely possible to make hip hop without electronic instruments, and it has been done before. You cannot make music in any other electronic genre without electronic instruments. It doesn't fucking matter if everyone decides to make music that way, that doesn't mean it's entirely an electronic genre if that's not even how hip hop is defined.
>You cannot make music in any other electronic genre without electronic instruments.
(not true by the way)
The Proms did an entire set of '''''electronic music'''''''''' with an orchestra.
>You cannot make music in any other electronic genre without electronic instruments
are you saying techno, or idm, or whatever cannot be transcribed to analogue instruments?
even musique concrete and sound collage things could be transcribed
>You cannot make music in any other electronic genre without electronic instruments.
acoustic house is a thing
these aren't electronic but i can make hip hop with them
>are you saying techno, or idm, or whatever cannot be transcribed to analogue instruments?
Socially, it could. It just wouldn't be called techno or IDM. That's what I meant to say.
Like I said above. Transcribing it would just change what genre it is.