Holy shit james ferraro just released a suprise album!

holy shit james ferraro just released a suprise album!


its on bigballs420 cuz its the label

wow great tracks

dude holy shit


shut the fuck up, motherfucc

this is actually really good, check it out everyone

bro bump


woah 69 legendary tracks from my man ferarro he did it again as usual

thats a lot of music... how did he even manage?

hacking thats how

waaaaaay better than OK Computer

how did he hack?

2 733t 4u bb

secret hacker coalition chinese russian hong kong wonton hackers got together with james and made a DAW specifically for this album apparently

james ferraros a activist revolutionary expressing it through his sound collages, sometimes aggresive, sometimes calm an mello beats

its to bad this isnt getting the attention it desrves...

ferraros a REAL artist, with REAL music... mu hiveminds will say otherwise...


Fucking bump that Cock on my asshole

bout time he released something interesting again


wow this is some dank post-post-post-premeta ironic commentary on capitalism and hyperconsumerism in the modern digital cyberage

its all a fucking joke to u man


Bills pizza black bearded man

getting acouple grams of coke boofed up my asshole while im blasting hacker track 2 right now

is this actually by james ferraro? it seems like his music is all really fucking cool in concept but not actually enjoyable

i don't know for sure, but it's pretty interesting stuff

yeah I was intrigued enough to listen to a lot of the songs. I feel exactly the way that I normally feel about james ferraro projects, it's cool as fuck and I'm glad it exists and there's someone exploring these areas of music, but I don't really enjoy any of it.