How many albums do you listen to in a regular day?

How many albums do you listen to in a regular day?

It also may include several listens of the same album.

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it depends on my mood
I'm a NEET so usually 5 to 10
but it can be 20 or none too


I usually shuffle for the rest of the day.

typically this

(except shuffle is exclusively while driving...if i'm listening with headphones/IEMs, it's an album)


3 or 4 usually

I don't listen to any. I have a career and shieet.

most of the times I listen to music on my laptop and even though all my music is in albums, I just go from artist to artist, from song to song all the time, especially in like the last 2 months. I downloaded a shitton of new music and am still not finished browsing through all of it.

At least 5; depending on whats in my rotation

I listen to one new album a day, every single day, and then I listen to whatever throughout the day. But I always dedicate at least an hour of my day to listen to an album I've never heard before.

i usually listen to 2 new, and go back through 3 or 4 old ones

wtf you guys
I generally listen to an album everyday. Sometimes it's a new album, other times it's somethi g I've heard before. Some days I listen to quite a few more though. I tend to listen very attentively though, and have silence around for the other sections of my day.

Somewhere between 2 and 10. At least one album I haven't heard before, usually more though.

The fuck do you guys do all day. I listen to 1 album a day most days unless I have the week off or something. How the fuck do you listen to and digest more than 3 albums a day?

The majority of Sup Forums is either underage, or don't work/live with their parents.

Fuck me, I barely have time to listen to 1 album a day. Do you people not have jobs?

I don't work and i live with my parents. I only listen to a few new albums a week or else I get kinda burned out. Idk how everyone here does it.

Even when I had a job I had time to listen to several a day.

Or do you just sit in silence while posting?


I listen more on days I work because I often van pool for long distances.

like 10+

i'm a programmer and i code while listening to music, so a lot

I don't spend all my free time here believe it or not

Usually around 14-17 new albums and 2-3 I have already listened.
For around 6 months it was a new album every few days, then for around 4 months a new album a day, then for 8 months about 3 albums a day, then for 6 months 7 new albums a day, and now it's this.


What the fuck?

Where do you even find enough albums to listen to 14-17 new ones a day? Do you have a fucking list of albums at the ready to choose from you autistic sack of shit?

Well that escalated quickly

Work and school so:

Whew lad, why so triggered?

Currently I'm listening to every composer listed in wikipedia whose works are available, by chronological birth date.
I started doing so when July began and now I'm 177 composers and 466 works in.
But albums are not the only thing I listen to, since July began I have also listened to 905 Singles, since I'm also listening to the chronology of Popular music since 1889, every Jazz, Blues, Folk, Ragtime artist I come across, I listen to all of his relases available.
I'm a NEET and never go out, so...


wew, I meant June for both of those, I got lost for a bit.


if this is true... why?
you don't even have the time to think about what you listen since you're always hoarding stuff
I mean, it's not even that much, if you think that each work would be 30 minutes average and each single about 6
but why bother if you don't pay attention to it? do you even look for different recordings or interpretations of what you consume?

Around 8 per day. Around 3 of those are new listens. I mostly find new stuff through RYM.

That's pretty fucking retarded and autistic you dilettante.

Two?! What do you mean only two?! Lets just say you listen to 200.


I give a normal first listen to every work, if I notice it's something worthy, then I listen to it more seriously the day after.
>if this is true... why?
I started doing it because the more I listen to music, the higher my standards become, so it takes longer to find a work you enjoy, and so I listen to music this way so I can find something I enjoy at least once a day.

wow that's it? fucking pleb

No fucking clue, really depends on what album as length really varies. I have a job that allows me to wear headphones all day, so I basically listen every waking hour. Let's just average an album to 40 minutes and cut off like three hours for combined socializing, watching videos and other imbetween stuff. I sleep five hours a day, so roughly 24 albums with like 16 hours of music listening a day.


Pretty much this

>the more I listen to music, the higher my standards become
What does that even mean? "Higher standarts"? According to what?
If you want to know what you actually like stop following lists and go research for music you actually care about
It seems to me that you're consuming music like it were cheap candy that is sold by the kilo
What makes you think that you can both look for music that interests you and pay attention to it at the same time?
You're treating music like it's some sort of stairs and you're climbing it... you got it all wrong
Jesus I've never
How can a person miss the point of art so bad
You must be either very ingenuous, very demented or a troll

It means I require more layered textures and complex crescendos the more nutrient rich music I listen to.

currently i'm on holydays, then about 8. Most of the time it's 2-3 and some tracks.


I don't always fulfill this quota but I try to listen to at least 4 albums/pieces
>one album I have never heard before
>one album I have heard before but not familiar with
>one classical piece I have never heard before
>one classical piece I have heard before but not familiar with

He seems like a barenaked ladies fan.

One, multiple times. If you just listen to several new albums every day without taking the time to really analyze them, then you aren't experiencing the music, you're just consuming it.

Do you have to watch a film and read a book multiple times in a row too?

Sometimes, yeah. But I don't know if that's a fair comparison.

pretty much this. however, if i decide i dont like something from the beginning i dont bother with it anymore

I'm just joshing you, but usually I can tell on first listen if an album is a grower or not for me.

Maybe like 1 or 2

If you listen to like 7 a day you just get burned out and it all turns into noise

I rarely ever listen to albums daily. I'll usually listen to random songs from my saved albums list during regular days. And then every once in a while I'll go on a discovery spree and try out a lot of different stuff and save the ones I like.

maybe 4? most of the time i don't listen to any in full, instead starting and quickly stopping about a billion, but if it's a "good" day then yeah maybe 4


What are your favourite albums?

Underrated post

you know, i would definetely agree with you, if it wanst for a single line of text the other guy posted
>How can a person miss the point of art so bad
this hits hard for some reason

The Teen Dream and The Spider Land

>The Teen Dream and The Spider Land
>calling others pleb

I likes what I likes.

0, i don't listen

well maybe ur not a neet

or maybe you have other hobbies

5-7 music is pretty cool

About 3 to 5.

around 2/3 is usually the sweet spot for me.

Yea I ususally listen to 2/3 of an album too. Then the next day I'll listen to the last 3rd

>What makes you think that you can both look for music that interests you and pay attention to it at the same time?



Yea whatever guy. As if. Uh huh. Don't even try to go there.


Usually just one a day all the way through


I'll try this

I don't care very much for music.

Pretty much this

I anyways listen to 2 new ones a day, and after that probably 2 more. Sometimes it's way more, but it's never less than 2.