Most overrated bands of all time?

Pic related. Even in context of year they've played, their music is just meh. Lyrics-edgy teen shit. Also Warhol is cancer and all that is erong with "le art" today.

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That are some great points op. You should write for Pitchfork or vice!

So what do you right wing types listen to anyway that's so lyrically down to earth yet musically impressive? Midwestern Emo?



Right wing? How did u come up with that?

You're against bohemianism and pop art. Those are right wing views. I didn't mean to judge though, I was just interested in your taste.

What do you want user kun? A review? Scientific research? Nah son. They are fucking dull. Boring. Not innovative. Yawnnnnnn

literally factually incorrect

I have a problem with turning "art" into a business. I mean, that is his whole thing right? I don't see much esthetic value in pop art, seems to me something a wine jugging, 40ish y old suburban mom would only like

>I have a problem with turning "art" into a business.

Arguments pls. How did they change music except introducing childish "nihilist" lyrics into the mainstream?

clon detected

Got me there Sup Forums


>Not innovative
That is objectively wrong. You're an ignorant retard.

Arguments pls. How did they not change music?

Artict monkeys. If they are critically acclaimed. All that brit new weave garage rock/ punk-all sounding the same crap

Hey faggot, you're the one that's making outrageous claims. The burden of proof rests on you. Prove that The Velvet Underground aren't innovative.

Still no arguments what did they actually introduced that was so ground breaking. I haven't heard anything new in their sound. No body explaining yet with a valid comment.

The Beatles. They're alright, just not groundbreaking in any respect.

I guess it is much easier living your life by accepting other peoples opinion and not having your own. What critics like- I like. Now go back to worshiping Lord Saviour Anthony Memetano

you're avoiding the topic

Thanks for confirming you're just a shitposter who doesn't have any real arguments. Either post proof TVU aren't innovative or fuck off.

Agreed. Also Lennon is the king of cheese

I dunno, I feel they were definitely innovative, but the fact everyone dick rides them reminds me of when I was like 14.

Also Sup Forums has the worst taste in Beatles songs judging by the fact Magical Mystery Tour and White Album are the ones I always see here in regards to favorites when those are some of their weakest.

Ghost. Actually a terrible fucking band.

Find me a pre-1966 rock song that sounds like Heroin or European Son. Protip: you can't.

The Velvet Underground were the first rock band to fuse drone music with rock n roll. Their nihilistic lyrics and alternative guitar tunings were very groundbreaking. "I DON'T LIKE IT SO IT ISN'T INNOVATIVE" isn't a real argument, you fucking idiot.

Beach boys

How old do you think this band is

Kek didn't know Sup Forums is TVU fan boy zone. Should have guessted it tho since you ppl here mostly accept criticaly acclaimed crap without a second of doubt. Sad

literally kill yourself

>drone music


Omg I luv TVU now


Well at least you tried to throw in an argument into this fan boy tantrum thread. Don't agree tho. Seems to me lyrics are still their only groundbreaking thingy. And their lyrics suck


Did they not adopt drone sensibilities?

>who is John Cale
great news

entry-level shit af my dude

Are you ever going to post a real argument?

Crowbar and Clutch. If a cared about drunk rednecks, I'd go to NASCAR

Haven't listened to that, looks like pure avant-teen bait

Yeah it's okay if you don't like the VU, but I'd recommend you give them another shot if you haven't already. If you don't like them, that's fine, but the Velvet Underground comes to closest any rock band has come to being objectively innovative and overwhelmingly influential.

you haven't supplied a single piece of evidence to support the idea that they're not innovative. if you don't understand how they were influential you could literally just google it they are a very oft. discussed band

It's just 70s japanese noise rock
Not really avant-teen

Seems like OP could be suffering from the Seinfeld effect

They do have some good songs, but many of their songs rely on melodies that are supposed to be catchy but become uninteresting when they attract to the same pitch and don't vary from it enough. The instrumentation is okay, but nothing particularly stand-out, just typical jangle-pop.

I gotta say I didn't find anything interesting or game changing in The vevet underground and Nico.

True this even tho my inner fag likes them sometimes

it's because you've already heard hundreds of bands influenced by it, so it's not novel anymore
Seinfeld effect

Oh look, Bowie. You must be one special snowflake

Jesus Christ you guys fell for OP's bait hook, line, and sinker. It's shit like this that makes me wonder why I still come here. If you're fucking new here, at least lurk a little bit before figuring out how shit goes here.

Les Rallizes Denudes
Flower Travellin' Band
Yellow Magic Orchestra
This Heat
The Pop Group
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band
The Mothers of Invention
Grazhdanskaya Oborona
Nurse With Wound
Current 93

There, I think that's every artist /daily/ likes.

The cringe is real. Should have died way sooner

Post overrated band or grfo retard. No one cares


The Clash are the most overrated band of all time.

>can't even spell gtfo correctly

>reads past the subject

Because Magical Mystery Tour has their three best songs.

Radiohead desu they're good but not worth le gr8st ever

>he fell for the "White Album has too much filler" meme

Nah son. One of the best punk bands of all time

Most people outside of Sup Forums, including critics, don't know any of those bands, so it's a stretch to call them "overrated" even if you don't like any of them.

Agreed. Decent band but gettin dick rided by critics and therefore Sup Forums

The XX


Sex Pistols
The Ramones
The Clash

Fucking any 70s punk really, prove me wrong.

U fucking 2

Either the Sex Pistols or Queen

Artistic songwriting tendencies plus sheer visceral feel = Wire the GOATest band of them all.

>just not groundbreaking in any respect

Do you get off on being retarded?

>Beatles are not groundbreaking in any respect
>goes on to listen to something that 99.9999% probably uses the same production/mixing techniques Sgt Peppers invented
Unless you listen to strictly electro acoustic stuff, this is true.

>Seems to me lyrics are still their only groundbreaking thingy.
>I gotta say I didn't find anything interesting or game changing in The vevet underground and Nico.
Are you an expert on 1960s rock music? Do you know of any pre-1966 songs that sound like what TVU did on TVU&N? If the answer to both of these questions is "no" then you need to shut the fuck up. Your ignorance doesn't mean they aren't innovative.

The vast majority of the production/mixing techniques on Sgt. Pepper's were invented by Brian Wilson on Pet Sounds.

Nope. I love Pet Sounds and it's my favorite album ever, but it has a very different production style from Sgt Peppers. Sgt Peppers did all signal shit like compression and whatnot that we hear in music to this day (to the extent where we'll hate someone like Rick Rubin for doing too much of it.) Pet Sounds style production/mixing is not as influential in that it's really fucking hard to do comparatively.

I'm not into "art music xD!" and mostly any noise rock band but, did you at least can accept that lou reed compositions are great? he makes some really beautiful melodies.

>Even in context of year they've played
>Warhol is cancer and all that is erong with "le art" today.
You only listen to Tvu&n, dont you?
try with the self-named album, and if you dont like that you dont have nothing to do with tvu.

>he cares about lyrics

found the manual listener

Not him, but I think the problem with using "production" as a stardard by which to judge music is that production is a matter of technological advancement more than anything else. Beethoven was a great composer and made some of the best music ever written, but there was not so much "production" there as we understand it.

Production also relies on money. You can buy great production if you have the money and means. It doesn't mean your music is innovative (see: radio pop music).

Joy Division
Kendrick Lamar

Production is a newer thing though, to compare it to Beethoven is absurd as that is an aspect of delivering and forming music that didn't exist in his time.

You can't just buy production either. The mixing on something like Chinese Democracy is fuck awful and it's the second most expensive album ever while you got underground electronic musicians who have great mixing abilities.

Having great production in of itself isn't innovative. But taking an approach to production that is still used to this day is definitely innovative. Everything from Rick Rubin's compressing way too much radio pop songs to make them feel lifeless, to the dynamics on Slint's Spiderland, to how Jacob Banon's vocals sound on every Converge album Jane Doe and afterward; every single bit of popular music has been affected by the production approach on Sgt Peppers. It is the quintessential basic approach to mixing/mastering an album to how you want it to sound through studio/DAWs.

It's not directly tied to composition in the traditional definition of the term, but is super important in the modern day version of it.

This particular innovation of the Beatles comes more from George Martin than any of the actual band members if this is getting confusing for some.

How did you not like comus? First utterance has legendary songwriting

>Production is a newer thing though, to compare it to Beethoven is absurd as that is an aspect of delivering and forming music that didn't exist in his time
Precisely because production is based on technology.

>The mixing on something like...
Mixing isn't quite the same thing. An engineer does that. A producer is different, and that isn't just my opinion - that's the way the responsibilities are dealt out.

>taking an approach to production
None of that had an impact on whether the music you're talking about was remembered. Rubin worked with some of his early classics, everything from RHCP to Slayer to hip-hip, but the production itself was never highlighted. Even on Yeezus, the production was criticized for being too roughshod.

Spiderland was innovative because of the music, not because of the production itself.

>It's not directly tied to composition
You have to be able to hear the composition. There are plenty of instances where you can't hear it and the whole thing suffers. But production doesn't make the music better, and it doesn't add anything at all other than making the recording listenable. The greatest popular music composition of all time, Sister Ray, had almost bad production. It doesn't make it any less great.

Bowie sure did.


i remember when i was a teenager with OPINIONS about andy warhol

have fun, i guess

Only good thing in this garbage thread thank you