Currently smoking alone and listening to ANCO. Anyone else doing the exact same thing?

Currently smoking alone and listening to ANCO. Anyone else doing the exact same thing?


Different album


At least listen to better music while you smoke user


My nigga


animal collective are actually the best band of the 2000's

What would you recommend?

I would if I wasn't dry for three months straight

I'd probably be listening to something else though

>tfw don't know if my upcoming job is gonna drug test me during training or not

I just want to self-medicate is that too much to ask

ash koosha

Chores and Derek are the best songs. Fight me

Homeshake - Midnight Snack

Chores is literally the worst song in their entire discography

Smoking alone is perfectly fine, I do it all the time. Weed isnt a really social drug. I'm sitting at my desk drinking an arnold plamer w capt morgan. Coming down from the amphetamines ive been on all day. Had to work from 7am to 8 pm. New boss cut me some slack and let me come home early. But I'm just rambling, listening to AJJ - Knife Man


I meant on Strawberry Jam faggots

Not either atm but I will be smoking soon, and I have my favorite songs on shuffle so usually a lot of MPP and some of feels and SJ good smoking music.
Same always do, I like listening to music and playing video games, but if I get stoned with people it's usually my SO at the time since I don't like sharing weed with anyone else then the person I like

>currently smoking alone

Not right now, but recently I listened to Dopesmoker while playing SSB Melee, it was comfy as fuck.

That's rude


What do you need to medicate.

Read books and exercise, it's way better than pining for drugs.

While true it does cost a lot buying drugs often to have better days but they just make everything better

I should get out more, I'll give you that.

I'm not desiring self-medication out of the desire to indulge some habitual emotional stagnation, or out of boredom. It's more out of a greater sense of loneliness and isolation, a dearth of fulfillment or the means to achieve it, and nothing immediate to look forward to. There's a hole that needs filling, and I don't exactly have the means to fill it right now. I'm away from everyone and everything that holds lasting significance to me other than my immediate family, which, granted, is something wonderful, but they've never *not* been there, so it's difficult to appreciate them.

At present, I'm doing nothing with my life but working in anticipation of the next year of college. Going /lit/ isn't gonna help much if I've got greater internal struggles that keep me up at night and make it hard to get up in the mornings.

It also helps with [spoiler][/spoiler]>tfw no gf.


Get some help dude

With what? The lack of female emotional intimacy in my life? The self-fulfilling prophecy of a negative self-image that resulted from a lifetime of bad luck, social incompetence, and a bit of bullying? The isolation of suburbia? Time, bureaucracy, my location, myself, or some combination thereof standing in between me and my personal immediate goals?

I've spent a good amount of time with shrinks, but talking about my problems can only help so much when I can't do much to solve them at the moment, other than try to change who I am on a fundamental level. All I'm really left to do at the end of the day is enjoy the sunset and wonder why I can't allow myself to be happier.

Sorry for the rant, I just don't want to come off as a stoner.

that's pretty obvious


Lol just ask go a girl to fuck you
She'll say yes if you aren't ugly as fuck

finally ash koosha is getting the attention he deserves

fucking checked

I'm not laying awake at night wondering why I can't get my dick wet. I jerk off way too much to care about that

It's more about being able to look someone in the eye and know that you both mean something to each other. I dunno, I just need a semi-consistent source of warmth from something other than my shower.

Oooh I'm so sorry you're going through what every 20 something kid goes through, how tortured you must be
Fucking kill yourself

I never pretended my struggle was worse than yours, or anyone else's.

user asked what I needed to medicate, I answered. I'm aware it's essentially symptomatic of my age bracket.

Something on your mind, user? Or are you just looking to vent your own frustrations over the internet by trying to diminish other people's sentiment?

is his new album worth checking out? I remember liking GUUD