Is this the most important music video of the 2010s?

Is this the most important music video of the 2010s?

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no this is

no this is


lol the donald?

Music videos are not at all important to society

music videos are all shit

I think it's funny how much buzz this video DIDN'T get

If he'd released this in 2010 the whole world would've stopped and argued about it for a couple days but now he's done so much other ridiculous shit that no one was even shocked

Is he even trying to say anything with this or is it all just for shock value

>MFW when i saw the video

Lena Dunham got really upset about it.

taylor swift was pretty mad apparently.

i wonder if she got upset enough to make a mess in her panties

"Important" yeah, like nudity is so shocking nowadays.


no this is

this, not to mention he whole video isn't even based off of an original idea

Mate Death Grips is awful, the Death Grips is good meme dropped months ago.



so it's the last supper then

I swear some of you people are really fucking stupid. Just because an image is hosted on tumblr (like, most gifs) doesn't mean they use tumblr.

Yeah I think there's just so much other shot going on right now that nobody can be bothered to care about another kanye antic. The video came out in the immediate wake of brexit too so that didn't do him any favors either.

What's it based off of?

It's a good wax sculpture I guess but the video itself is super shit

Why'd you censor Taylor's nipples, but not Kanye's?

Because Kanye's the realest. He can't be censored.


Vincent Desiderio’s painting, Sleep.

Andy Warhol's " Sleep "

>Vincent Desiderio
The dude who made postal 2?

>released July 1st
>not even 10 million views on the tube

he's finished

I'm a man and I think this is messed up, I imagine how pissed I would be if my wife or daughter's wax model appeared naked in some nigger's video in the name of "art".
America really have no moral values.

he's doing just to create controversy, quit being a pussy bitch

assumes kanye is relevant an not built from his peers..

Because it's just ok, nothing special.

The music video is boring, and the song is not even top 5 on the album.

I would much rather see a large high res picture of the piece, that having to view it through some halfwit with a 90's era camera.

oh, so he ripoff an actual painting

wow, so creative and shit

is today your first day on this board?

Stupid as fuck. We all know Kanye west is narcissistic as fuck, so he's also probably fucked in the head. The only type of people that think this shit is art is stupid ass delusional hoes that also think they fancy n smart but they just dumb as fuck. Like Kanye!

>will be extremely dated in 20 years due to the people in it


>rip off
>credited the artist right after showing the video

just shut the fuck

Kanye is a hack. He thinks he is MIDAS but he is overrated as fuck.

I love how he calls himself the biggest rockstar ever lol

>music videos


Yeah. But you are tumblrfag.

>people still fall for kanyes persona

He actually said he was the greatest LIVING rockstar.

he's right either way desu

Kanye recontextualized the painting in to give it a new meaning. Kanye showed the original artist the video, he is completely aware of it and loves it. Hardly ripping off.

>us celebs huh, we all the same we sleep in the same bed get it we all work together behind the scenes to further our own goals
Kanye is the most pretentious pop star I have ever come across

Its about the voyeuristic nature of fame and how the culture is asleep. People mention it is creepy, it is intentionally so. Celebrity adulation is in itself creepy. The public and their reactions are part of the commentary in fame he is making.

Did you not notice Kanye being awake at the end?

The juxtaposition between how it was shot and how the zoom out was shot. And how that ties in with the painting it was referenceing?

The significance of the people chosen or how the video ties in thematically with the album?. I.e fame and it's temptations vs meaningful realationship with God and family?

Your take is reductive, it would be pretentious if it was feigning depth where none lies but it is far from that. There are a myriad of ideas being explored here in regards to fame in a very intresting way.

Yes easily, in terms of someone as known as Kanye.

a high resolution picture wouldn't capture the entirety of the point.

Alot of people don't like it but the original artist loves it.

>lol i'm a genius please give me money and attention


Its one of the greatest videos of all time. You dont get it.

>youtube commenters say the video isnt art
>artist that created the work this video is based on loves it