Oy vey! Klezmer sure is a great genre!

Oy vey! Klezmer sure is a great genre!

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kids can't grow beards that big

Oy vey! This sure is a shitty meme!

Look closely, it's Jewish.

Why does Sup Forums get mad at Jews calling whites "goyim", treating whites as inferior, thinking all whites should die, etc. when Sup Forumsacks act the exact same way towards every other race that isn't white (they're inferior, they're cattle, they should all vanish from earth, etc.)?

Because they're edgy and love to hate

I laughed.


Why does Sup Forums hate jews because they're supposedly money grabbing kikes when all of Sup Forums is capitalists?

Why does Sup Forums criticize the muslin view of women when they too promote misogyny?

i can tell from the pixels

And no I'm not saying Jews treating whites like scum is good, I just wonder why Sup Forums dislikes people holding similar views as them.

Is it because white dislike for non-whites is "based more in logic and reason" than Jew dislike for whites?

pretty sure most Jews aren't like that

Extremists never realize that they become the thing they want to destroy.

I know, but most of Sup Forums seems to unironically think they are

Isnt this the Dallas shooter?

you're a fucking goyim

>most of Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a joke in most boards

Sup Forums has a very elaborate and complex conspiracy theory that the jews developed cultural marxism in order to destroy traditional western values, ideologically manipulating the population through the frankfurt school right up to present-day progressive academia. It is both bizzare and fascinating the lengths these people will go to spin history into their paranoiac narrative

what's some music

this is music

Fucking manlets