Sup Forums's thoughts on Run the Jewels?

Sup Forums's thoughts on Run the Jewels?

miller kike is an average rapper rapping over shitty beats that el-p stole from death grips and el-p is cheesy as fuck lyrically

the big boi feature was good
bernie sanders is lame

Good music but cringe worthy as fuck politics


It's good if you just want some bangers without caring about lyrics that much

they're alright, i like some of killer mike's solo stuff

the first one was good but the second one was lazy

i don't like their image

>i don't like their image
Who the fuck even asked you?

op did

El-P's an all-time great, but his lyricism is pretty weak on these projects. Killer Mike has some pretty amazing moments but other times he's painfully average and relies solely on inflammatory politics. Wish they'd just go their separate ways.

They're terrific and if they ever stop making music I'll kill myself.

>el-p stole from death grips

I think they're good but both of their solo stuff is much better.

blockbuster p1'a riff is just blackjack sped up

Production's pretty great but thats a given

>being right-wing



the rtj albums are good for what they are, just energetic battle rap albums made for the fun of it

...but pic related fucking ethers both of them

I love them ! Definitely one of the best contemporary hip-hop acts that the fine guys of r/hiphopheads introduced me to ^^

if this triggers neurotic white kids from conservative back grounds , it's worth a listen


>el-p stole from death grips

>one possible sample out of the decade head-start El has on Zach and Flaty
Sure convinced me.

This album pushed a lot of boundaries for experimental hip hop, and I loved the sci-fi themes and production, I just hate that you can't understand like 75% of what they're rapping. El's technique of stacking the ends of his own verse cuts over each other to make his rapping sound denser makes for an interesting sound, but it could be mixed a lot better imo. The Cold Vein was the better album.


This 100%

yeah, the first time i listened to it i couldn't really understand anything

especially on the first track

This and Funcrusher are gr8. El-P is a legend

Instrumentals: On fucking Point
Lyrics: ehhhh

>beats that El-P stole from Death Grips

>mfw Gangsta Boo verse

They're alright. Pretty much party rap. I was pretty sure they rarely went into politics in their music? Isn't most of it just "Look at my dick it's so big, look at at my friend's dick it's big too". I still think their best collab is Killer Mike's R.A.P. Music tho.

Are you fucking retarded? Practically every other line in a RtJ song is some kind of political statement. The name of the fucking group is a demand for the haves to hand their shit over to the have-nots