>disattactched from the social dogma
ok 9gag
>disattactched from the social dogma
ok 9gag
Other urls found in this thread:
That's fucking disgusting. wow. Actual wtf?
>Extreme Metal
>Below post punk
>Classic rock anything but the highest level
Agreed. Shoegaze isn't even a weird genre
This isn't true. Normies fuckout to shoegaze. You browse Sup Forums too much
>art pop
>lvl 4
to be fair screamo like Orchid would probably freak out normies
Does somebody have a better version?
If you can't play it with an aux cable in the car, it's already below normie standards
Though it's definitely higher up than fucking Screamo
Dont you say "Above"?
Full realisation.
>Dubstep lvl 2
>Jazz lvl 1
jesus christ.
ghost drone is just pitched-down trap rap.
Listening to planets should be in there.
best planet coming through
this is not bad
How the fuck is ambient so low?
normies get bored easily
Is some stuff just down there as a joke? Like throat singing. What the fuck is wrong is wrong with throat singing? And extreme metal is above noise and drone. What about the grind genres? Those are basically noise, but with instruments. Are they just weird?
Well then I am into every genre except country and the ridiculous mainstream crap.
"That guy" lol. Fuck my life
No we just don't have patience for pointless repetition
heres the better one
outcast :'(
where would noise pop and noise rock fall in this
>implying you can't fit into society if you listen to experimental music
I hate these bait threads. Well done.
>art pop over art rock
probably that guy
I'd say tamer noise pop (S&E-era Pavement, Yo La Tengo etc) could fall in 2-3, while most noise rock would fall in 4, with more extreme acts like Skullflower could fall in 5.
Also modern post-hardcore's probably a 2 with the "classic" post-hardcore acts probably falling in 3
wheres the one that repeats itself
Why do normal fags think Avant Garde is so weird
There are a lot of Avant Garde things that aren't really weird to listen/watch.
Avant Garde means original and experimentalist, not "so randumb xD"
Disattached from the social dogma
That guy
Found "that guy"
>He doesn't know the charts are a joke
The problem is that most "avant-garde" artists are so much original and experimental as they are gimmicky. They tend to fall into an aesthetic niche and stick to it because it got them recognition to begin with. Artists that are truly avant-garde are the ones that people still rip off to this day, because they were actually ahead of their time. Most people that label themselves as avant-garde are talentless hacks.
Why is gregorian chant rated so low? Is it really that weird to people?
are not so much original and experimental as they are gimmicky*
Is everyone really stupid enough to just go with this complete fucking non-word IT'S "DETACHED"
so kanye is the true avant garde artist?
Not really. Kanye doesn't create trends so much as he perfects existing ones and popularizes them. Like the Beatles.
better question is why drone is so low...
I can't believe all the people in this thread that think these charts are real and not a joke.
switch funeral doom and avant-garde death metal and this is the only one of these charts I've seen that wasn't' complete garbage. It's still cancer though, all of them are.