Sup Forums makes a concept album

Dubs names tracks
Trips gets plot, multiple sub-plots allowed
Most replies gets album art (only after we come up with concept)
Most replies gets artist name

I'm not gonna be able to post this on bandcamp if it ever comes to fruition. Maybe soundcloud, but it'd be nice if someone else could

Robert Fripp's Cold War era adventure to spread AIDs to the USA and UK by molesting deaf people

(this is a conspiracy theory that exists, by the way)

kills 99.9% of germs

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump Shake Hands

Jimi Hendrix Wakes Up From Cryostasis

it's called drone metal mom you wouldn't understand

women are memes

A future dystopia in which Funk is illegal

Music Theory is a... Mvmt I. Dank Meme (feat. Lil B) Mvmt II. Pyramid Scheme (feat. Deltron 3030)

A magical fantasy land where the world isn't run by a semitic global elite.


No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.


whenever I drop acid its just totally crazy its like WOAH dude so that's the concept I guess haha :)

women are alright I guess

We (humanity) are the aliens

cancer comencing



20th century schizoid FREAK

jyrfh cbychdygujfv nikgbhokl,n ypo;oll';hlkbj

First Contact (With Planet Glumph)

pink pony in space

Also, forgot to mention: now that we have 1 concept, trips can also confirm the Album Name.

>if it ever comes to fruition
It isn't, you're letting the names of the songs/album and the album art be decided by gets

To clarify; I meant this as we are the ones space faring to another planet and say "We come in peace" (or whatever) kind of way


That is a badass concept



I'm supposed to have gone away from Sup Forums forever but I'm sorry I can't pass this up, I'll help if this is the concept

If you really are Install A Friend, then it's amazing that you're here. Since a lot of people wanted this to be the plot, we could definitely have it be that way. I have a couple ideas of how we can intertwine it with this idea. So yeah, you can help.

>tl;dr: go ahead. it's the concept

I love this

Rolling for track title

"Easier to Probe than to be Probed"


meme war

hitler did nothing wrong

21st Century Schizoid Ayy Lmao

Scene One: George Clinton Awakens Aboard the Mothership After 1000 Years of Cryosleep

World War 1,000,000

Yeah I was thinking a funk band who were put in a coma after funkin' a lil too hard wake up two years later to find that Tha Funk has been made illegal and anyone carrying even the smallest amount of Tha Funk in their veins is jailed and quarantined. It's the job of the band to find the source of Tha Funk (somewhere in Atlanta, which now looks like Chernobyl) and harness it to perform the funkiest song ever heard, broadcast over hijacked TV, giving the humans their funk back, except those in the new established government. It's revealed that the new government are in fact an alien race who were looking for Funk reserves in other planets to use as fuel, essentially overthrowing the government disguised as a human coup d'état. The humans revolt and storm the White House, the Houses of Parliament, the Bundestag, everywhere, and send the aliens on their way as humanity relishes its new freedom

Trips confirm

Tha' Funkwakening


Open Your Mind, and Funk Will Enter

first track confirmed

Ew omec ni ecepa

Track 2 confirmed


working on ideas for a cover right now. if you have something, tell me

rolling kek

come on, Sup Forums meme magic

A black silhouette with an afro under the light of a flying saucer, holding his bass guitar in the air

aaaand Song 3, i guess.

14, 28 or 65

Can we call song four this?

for shits and giggles, sure

In the spaceship over the city


Hang Another Nigger, Please

The King of Carrot Flowers Pts. 2 & 3

I AM NOT A ROBOT (feat. DJ Captcha)


Zesty Memes

ninja golf


montie's Ex Is a Real Cutie

Ruben's Saxophone

Two Headed Boy Pt. 3

i may have improvised a bit much

here's another idea:

le funke

holy fucking shit dude

This is really good.

and another:

"I Know There's a Heaven Under Here Somewhere"

Morning in the House of the Dog-Faced King

Jacques Nicole sonne toujours deux fois.



Baby, Give Me A Chance And I'll Show You A Brand New Art-Form (Part 3)

list of current tracks?

1. Ovature
2. Ew Omec Ni Ecepa
3. No One Is Being Paid
4. And Song 3, I Guess
5. Two Headed Boy, Pt. 3

Al Borland Adventure Super Escape

Take the poo to the loo (MC Jean Gab1 remix)

Swans - Filth

Courtesy Flush (Interlude)

Vicente Fernandez is my dad

Sweep Away Your Cleaning Supplies! Sweep Away Your Tools!

Why Don't You Ever See Any Asian Families On Family Feud?

Two-Headed Boy Pt. 4

Gang, I Saw A Panda The Other Day, And I Yelled "Fuck You!" At It (Instrumental)

There's More Than One Way to Milk a Cow (And Don't Ask Me How I Found Out)

Nig... NIG... NIGGER!!!

It Was Like 10 seconds, and I Wasn't Even Hard


If (I Saw A Real-Life Anime Girl Eating An Entire Cake I Would Probably Get A Hard-On Then And There)

Artificial Death in the Middle East

dicks out for harambe lads

powerviolence is for cucks