ITT last 5 albums rated on rym
ITT last 5 albums rated on rym
Interested what an artist named Tom and Jerry sounds like though.
Its an alias of 4hero, rave era breakbeat hardcore
Why the low Untrue score
Oh Rotatey
Decent Getz/Gilberto score.
Fun fact: Tom and Jerry also used to be the name of Simon and Garfunkel.
>Fields of Rape
Interesting name
Burial BTFO
>blipblop music
it's okay. noone will know wtf you listen to, but aight
Huh ok. I really should listen to Nada sometime.
I kind of agree with the Loveless rating, but do you like any other shoegaze? just curious.
>sigur ros
fucking kill yourself
Not really; open to suggestions, though.
Pretentious twat
This thread isn't that bad, but I'm always surprised seeing how low people rate albums on these. Like, do you think you're impressive because you have only two 5 star albums on your meaningless chart?
Yes, wouldn't it be great if we all rated all music 5 stars, what a fascinating world that would be if we all liked the same things and called it all amazing, that would be fun, huh
My ratings could be considered low as I try to distinguish how I feel about an album as clearly as possible using the RYM scale. You only have ten levels to work with, so a pitchfork 8.5/10 might be a RYM 3.5/5 to fit the RYM system. Most of us only listen to music we really like, so having your 1/5 represent a regular 5/10 wouldn't be too dumb.
That's obviously not what I mean. I'm talking about people that purposefully go to 5 very different, critically acclaimed albums and give them all ',: )
Maybe because the absolute rating doesn't actually matter, the only 'important' thing is the order they're ranked in.
Five stars will mean different things to different people, and if it makes sense for people to only assign that rating to their absolute creme de la creme, then let them be.
My pleasure.
I have 1 star ratings for critically acclaimed albums Sup Forums creams over and would say I did it on purpose but then also have 5 star ratings for critically acclaimed albums Sup Forums ignores.
Some call in contrarian, I call it different tastes.
Wanna share your css?
Jap shit, and ''look how obscure my taste is hahah guys is anyone looking?''
loveless 2.0
why? :(
do you like songs ohia
have you heard jowalls solo stuff
went through some tmv albums
the only i have rated as 5/5 is f#a# because its the only album i come back to and still enjoy as much as i did hte first time when i listened to it 5 years ago.
i've started with a lot of 5/5's then went down as i just got burnt out on. i don't use music as a status symbol.
not really, any rec?
All great albums my dude
Didn't really do much for me. The sort of overall fuzzy sound it has is kind of cool, but other than that, eh.
>3 stars for glorious meditatios
>4.5 for shitty souvlaki
Get out of here.
>taste differs
Your taste is objectively shitty. As I said, get out of here.
Well, guess i'll change it to fit your tastes.
Good. I need a little bitch to obey me.
how did you get the dark rym theme?
underage b8
>jazzcuck calling anyone a bitch
lmaoing my ass off here
can i get this on chrome?
yeah just install stylish
In the world of music, Jazz listeners are S while Shoegaze listeners are obviously M.
jazz is for faggots
I gave that Pulp album the same rating as you. It's kinda enjoyable for the duration of the listen, but I never feel the urge to return to it.
I've seriously been meaning to check out The Microphones.
I strongly disagree with your Loveless rating, but I understand that tastes differ.
Faust IV is great.
yeah i totally agree with you about that Pup album, dont really wanna listen to it again for a while
>Like, do you think you're impressive because you have only two 5 star albums on your meaningless chart?
Not impressive, accurate. I don't think many things are perfect, so I don't feel the need to lie to avoid looking like pretentious.
i really like noctourniquet and i think is at the same level of octahedron
is just want to know, why you didn't like it?
not trying to impress anybody, i just give 5 stars to albums which i love all the tracks, so far that only happened 3 times.