5x5 collage thread

LOL edition

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+ tricot, Paramore, Massive Attack

oh, and + Yamashita

why are you laughing at me :(

you both have better taste than me so idk what to rec srry. i'd love some recs, i'm open to anything but nothing super obvious because i've probably listened to it before. the top left corner is supposed to be the whole wildflower album idk why it's the single.

Movietone - Day and Night

that Dead Can Dance album provides a nice twist ending to your collage

quit that attitude you turbonigger

very cool chart have you heard youtube.com/watch?v=9BSCXbv9kCc this
what is bender?

you listen to female artists only when you are attracted to them

Nice gira albums and neofolks

listen to spacemen 3 the perfect prescription

I'll twist your end if you catch my drift (duck fuck)

I get knocked down
but I get up again

did you finish the chart

are you sure it's you

its me, rufus

i'm going to sleep i think
how's the new Radiohead?
aw damn Rudimentary Peni
(fire emoticon)
how's the new Avalanches?
(pete namlook emoticon)

are you sure

It's pretty good, calm and reflexive maybe bit meek, have to listen to it again tho for some conclusions


Why thank you, your chart is very cool as well.

I do like Smoke and it might have been you who have recommended him to me a year ago or so. Or maybe it was post-feelist.

...bender is lo-fi, drony and profoundly depressing and I hope you'll enjoy them/it:

I'll start it again, I got a bit lost with the organization (arrows n shit)
It'll be completed sometime this week, wait for it
eeeeh it's ok
it's nice
it's too much gum to chew at once tho
you know what I mean

I don't remember your charts ever looking this good. Who's giving you recs?

Hey popanon recommend me some kpop
In return I give you the Ayumi Hamada album from my chart

what do you know I also like wakuseiabnormal
You might like this Reiko Kudo album I stole from someone else's chart
also Maki Asakawa

+Perfume, Tricot, Tatsuro
Have you heard the band he started with Taeko Ohnuki, Sugar Babe, or her album Sunshower?

+sonic youth


this? I listened to 3/4ths of it and liked it but never downloaded desu

basic af
trade in that ELO for YMO then we'll talk

Hello fellow ELO fan

Yes that's it. I hear the one after that is good too but I haven't heard it.

I heard Aventure is her best

an american anglophile in the world turned upside down
angry sultan
was postfeelist likely sincehes the one who recced it tome
quite depressing i do love it

lmao just looked that up. 3 songs on spotify. i'll let you know how they are.

at this point i gotta say they're my favorite band. hadn't given secret messages a listen for so long but FUCK it's good.

>that Dead Can Dance album provides a nice twist ending to your collage
well I do like a good twist at the end

>you listen to female artists only when you are attracted to them
no, I just prefer female voices
but a lot of them are attractive too

thank you for the rec
>recommend me some kpop
okay I'll give you my 3 favourite kpop albums
f(x) - Pink Tape
T-ara - Breaking Heart
4minute - Hit Your Heart

the one I'd rec most is definitely Pink Tape

he's tied up to a heavy brick in my basement
I call him Marvin

I have these jazz kicks from time to time, they come and go
also I just discovered the "credits" tab in the rym artist pages

well, they're interesting, but i'm not a big fan of electronic. at least not when it isn't mixed with another genre. good music to put in vidya tho.

come to Brazil in 10


Time is a 5/5 desu, big blue is like a 4.6/5

time is outstanding - i'd say i agree with this. out of the blue is great but has one or two mediocre songs. a new world record and discovery get around the same score in my book.

The generator messed up but I gotta poop, so here are a few pop punk albums

Much Nigga
The Great Tap Dancer
Old Me?
Typical Mutant
Weaboo with a Wild Side
Hey, Old Man

>calls others faggots


>Old Me?
you listen to stuff i listened to 5 months ago, very interesting

+The Internet, Frank Ocean, Clarence Clarity, Blood Orange, Deakin, Miles Davis
>Avalanches ft. Father John Misty
what is this and why haven't I heard it yet?
+Avalanches, Sarah Vaughn, Daft Punk
Welcome to Sup Forums :^)
captions are polite
+Miles, Talking Heads, Autechre, Eno, Bjork
baka no bully

> baka no bully

black one is:
>Tom Scott - Keep This Love Alive

Mr. Meme