Rate Artist Discography

One of these threads



The college dropout: 7
Late registration: 9
Graduation: 8
Watch the thrones: 2
Yeezus: 4


>Graduation better than CD and LR



College dropout sucks. I hope people start realizing that soon. Half that album is disposable and the other half ain't shit compared to his future works. In conclusion, fuck college dropout.

Nothing on CD is even close to Drunk and Hot Girls level shit

death magnetic is not THAT bad


Songwriting and performance wise you're right, but the production IS that bad.

Except for the skits, new workout plan, last call... The list goes on. And nothing on CD is as good as Flashing Lights


when will the 808s and heartbreaks is good meme end

Close but no cigar

>New Workout Plan and Last Call bad
>Flashing Lights best song on an album with Can't Tell Me Nothing and Everything I Am

switch those around



no find candace?

Fresh OC inbound

Here's to a not shitty LP4

really didn't think Horse and Goat was anything special,i'll give it another try

I can't help comparing find candace to doll doll doll and it just doesn't flow as well

No way! ITAOTS is the worst album ever made.


Dat edge son! That pic isn't even your OC so you're in no position to be trollin with it.

I much prefer Aaron's EPs and singles to his LPs generally. They tend to exhibit much greater relative variety, and overall I think his style works much better in the shorter format. Most of the full length albums feel drawn out and repetitive halfway through. Also in those EP releases he just in general seems to like to break boundaries much more especially in regards to sampling.

Absolutely not.






Is this some sort of new meme or something

Official Mastodon Rankings

1. Blood Mountain (the best starting point and the culmination of their sludge/psychedelic sound)
2. Leviathan
3. Crack the Skye (a fantastic album, but overrated in the Mastodon discog)
4.The Hunter
5. Once More...


woops forgot Remission. Put it after Leviathan and move it down one. I'd say it's about on par w/ Call of the Mastodon if you're being a stickler

Didn't even know he had that much material. thought he was just an industry plant

This is the most accurate one


I've changed this one a little, I figured out I was actually wrong and Graduation is the worst album so that would be below 808's obviously.


childish gambino hasnt made anything higher than a 3

I actually completely forgot about yeezus because of how bad it is.. it's actually below grad, my mistake.


I agree. I love their post hiatus stuff, Asunder is easily a 10/10

i'll never understand why people don't like remission as much as their other stuff

it's better than leviathan IMHO

College Dropout: 8
Late Registration: 8
Graduation: 7
808: God Tier
Dark Twisted Fantasy: God Tier
Yeezus: 10
Pablo: 8



His best album deserves a 3/10.
Black boys thinking they're hot shit kek.

>Rodeo not at least an 8/10
Nice b8

Someone rate Drake Bell's discography.

newfag here
how are 10 and god tier justifiably different?

He has a discography?

definitely, i much prefer the huge, sludgy stonery vibe of remission. leviathan felt too much like a straight-up metal record for me, but without the huge hooks that they developed later on.

>over a 6 for any national album


>it's a band ends their career on their worst album episode
Hopefully nobody will have heard of these guys so I don't need to argue over it

for me its, in order

oh fuck Mortification, my girlfriend goes to the same church as the bassist's wife, small world

god tier is just better

Need to change this, put 21CB down 1

forgot image

>NOTM as godtier
Fuck yeah. I think JD is worse than an 8 but I like how your ratings show that their discog is super consistent, save for Fashion Week.


Spot on I'd say. I wouldnt change 21st century though. The score you have there is bretty gord

pretty close to my feelings, just switch the scores of Jenny death and exmil


Yeah, I might knock Warning down a peg instead.

>using the cringey new faces
adjust that to the official faces

Why? Although I agree with the score from an outsider perspective, Warning is one of my personal faves from GD.

>The Glowing Man
>Shit Tier

Dude what



I spent way too long making this

I hope I get some (you)s


absolute garbage opinions mate

>first album is snakeskin
>second album is a snake
>third album is dried snakeskin

so what are your opinions?

A 10 is an album which you think has very few imperfections; a god tier album maybe moved you, or changed you emotionally. Or was just mechanically superior.

better than yours

i know mate, everybody knows it here, i just want so see them, please teach me

Last Call and The New Workout Plan are great, the beat to the second part of The New Workout Plan is one of Kanye's best beats. Last Call is great so long as you don't listen to the autobiographical portion every time you listen to the song, and I don't know why the hell you would do that when it's the last song on the album and you can just end it when the autobiographical section starts. I just don't know what to say if you don't like
>Now I could let these dream killers kill my self esteem
>Or use my arrogance as a steam to power my dreams

Billie is a decent songwriter, but the album doesn't have any real standouts like the others. Just a lot of decent songs with a stinker or two (blood, sex, and booze). I like that they went out of their comfort zone, though. Might keep it at 7.

absolute garbage opinion mate

absolute garbage opinion mate


absolute garbage opinion mate

absolute garbage opinion mate

Bump exmilitary to an 8 and switch fashion week with interview and this is good senpai

absolute garbage opinions mate

why would you listen to music like this

with album covers that look like that

absolute garbage opinions mate

absolute garbage post mate

Last Call is one of the best songs on the album you fucking pleb

It's power metal, I like it cause it's catchy

absolute garbage genre mate