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>no fragile

i wanted just one album in each category, but Fragile is in pleb.


Relayer (still great though)
Tales from Topographic Oceans (seriously it deserves the flak it gets)

Close to the Edge
The Yes Album

In other news though, this rerecording is fucking great.


Post best obscure prog



TFTO was the reason punk had to happen

>fragile is plebian
>strictly because of roundabout
wew lad. and i never see tormato mentioned, wtf.

>Spocks's Beard


i mean theyre not "only 100 people in the world know them" obscure but i never see this discussed here

Because Sup Forums doesn't like modern prog
They are well liked on progarchives

What do you think of Jethro Tull?

More folksey prog desu, TAAB was great though

I like Stand Up, Aqualung, and Songs From the Wood

Thick as a Brick is ok but I feel it falls off after the first part.

I've actually really been enjoying this lately.

Any of their other newer works worth checking out?

i like magma am i gay

for me

not you

vocals make this very underwhelming imo

The best Yes record is Fish Out of Water desu

Tomato is contrarian

the ladder

Could Drama be considered contrarian? It's probably in my top three or four Yes records. Incredibly solid stuff, its quasi-new wave backdrop grounds it when so many other Yes records are inheritably up in the clouds

>The mythical Jason was saved by his shield
>He was just a legend but you and her are real