Is metal the funniest music genre?

Is metal the funniest music genre?

No matter what it's about or how it sounds, it's impossible to take seriously. Even funnier when you imagine the sort of person who listens to it.

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metal was a big joke that got out of hand

no it's your favorite genre hahaha

t. post-hardcore kiddie

In the same way anyone can take any other form of music in a joking manner.

>Radiohead and other stuff like them
>lol wtf is this stupid solo in Paranoid Android, does this guy even know how to actually sing?

>Industrial, No Wave, w/e Swans is
>le edgelord crap

>Pop music
>lololol this shit is fake as hell

>Hip hop
>Chimps pretending like they actually go hard or actually get that much legit pussy and they can't even make real music

>classical music
>this boring ass shit putting me to sleep senpai

You can keep going on and on. I think metal, ultimately with genres like punk and its subgenres plus certain forms of electronic music do a better off job than most forms of music because the music presented to the listener is so visceral in nature that regardless of how hard someone tries to not take it seriously, they'll acknowledge the music whether they like it or not to a far more extent than other forms of music.

Unrelated but I fucking hate when people compare punk to metal
Heavy hardcore/crossover punk is basically shittier metal but I've always thought of punk as a more hard-edged diy variant of power pop and it annoys me when shitty powerviolence bands call themselves "punk".

no, metal is for kids

I was comparing punk metal and electronic music in terms of the more visceral works that have come out from each genre and how these three genres are arguably the best at doing visceral stuff.

Your beef is more about punk and its definitions/implications. I always think of the genre as breaking down something that came before then rebuilding the pieces together into something not quite like what it was before. So the stuff you're talking about the original stuff is broken down and rebuild of rock n roll and power pop, while something like hardcore punk is the same process on punk rock itself, while a band like Suicide does it on the increasing use of synths in the 70s, powerviolence is doing it with hardcore punk, The Clash on London Calling do it with a bunch of genres, etc.

It's what gives punk its versatility while also why not everyone may like everything withiin the genre.

power electronics desu

Hip hop and metal are tied.

But when black people boast about killing each other or beating you up you know they're serious. It's not the same for white boys.

I can take this at least as seriously as I take Messiaen, but I guess it's more avant-garde/punk than it is metal at this point.

Most metal is pretty cringy, but there are a few exceptions. The thing is, it takes some degree of musical maturity to make something noteworthy out of a genre so riddled with clichés.

>this is what indiecucks actually believe

Stick to Deafheaven faggot

>t. blackie

t. literally the whitest boy you can think of

black metal specifically is the funniest
>dude satan lmao
gets me every time
The vocalist for a death metal band was recently charged with killing three people. It looks like he was a doomsday prepper.

Plus the whole Norwegian scene. There's a lot of other isolated incidents.

Try Oxbow - King of the Jews

metalfags everyone

>stick to ____

Metal is ass and its listeners are ass

Yeah man Tupac was a straight up gangsta amirite? And even if your retarded, straight up wrong assertion was actually correct, why would you glorify that?

Also I know very little metal where the lyrics are about boasting how much of a murderous badass the person is. Do you think Slayer's "Angel of Death" is about what a badass Tom Araya with all the shit he did in Auschwitz back in the 40s? Do you think the song glorifies Mengele and tries to portray him as someone worthy of respect and admiration?

Why are Sup Forums wiggers this stupid?

t. 17 year old Reddit intellectual

*tips snapback*
ma ni... homeboy

There's far more black metal about nature and the darkness or some shit than Satan though.

How has nobody called OP out when he said it doesn't matter "how it sounds"

That's mind-bendingly retarded

doesn't matter it's still shit

Noise, industrial music, power electronics and the surrounding subcultures around those genres are far more ridiculous than metal desu.

because OP is a faggot and nobody takes him seriously

>The thing is, it takes some degree of musical maturity to make something noteworthy out of a genre so riddled with clichés.
Be sure to have this standard for all forms of music though. Look at the bombastic amounts of love AMSP got here despite being just as derivative as derivative trash in metal.

Cool, just saying, you can't hate something for having something it doesn't have.

>implying anyone's ever actually being serious here
Considering that /metal/ is with /kpop/ the largest general here, there's a decent chance the guy himself listens to some metal.

>you can't hate something for having something it doesn't have
You cannot kill what you did not create.

Sounds a lot like early Mr Bungle. Nice album though, will listen again.

Somehow, this one.

I love noise/PE and they're my favorite genres, but I try not to take them seriously. But I guess that depends of someone's perspective.

>What is Burzum

>but I try not to take them seriously

didn't you go on a diatribe in that noise thread yesterday because some guy called some noise band dumb and edgy though

Serious question: is there any good metal music? I haven't listened to that much but everything I heard was awful gimmicky shit.


You heard me.

Not for you anyway.

If you don't like any of this, then maybe Metal just isn't for you.

Metal in general is pretty gimmicky, but in some cases that's part of the appeal. Very few bands manage not to be completely ridiculous if you are out of the mood. Bands like Powerwolf or Alestorm embody this perfectly, and they tend to be popular with the - younger and less mature - crowds.

There's so much going on in this picture that I don't where to begin

The longer you look at it, the more terrible details pop up.
Just when you think you've seen everything there is to see on it, you realize that there's a fucking hipster midget in the room.

A simple "no" would have sufficed.

every single person in that room is really unattractive and subpar-looking
is being ugly a prerequisite for being a noise artist/fan?

Metal got terrible since the late 90s

absolute garbage genre mate

Metal and heavy metal is fucking trash

Just like a child who's brain grows and matures as it gets older I graduated from nursery rhymes, to rap, to dance, trance then to Rock, now I like hard and heavy rock with an emphasis on musianshipand lyrics. Sad that some people are still at level 2 or 3

Butthurt metal fan, kys

First you need your balls drops and mature to aprecciate metal. Fucking indiefags, manginas scum.