Okay, guys, I need help...

Okay, guys, I need help, a while ago I posted a thread about what the best budget headphones are (had a budget of $50 dollars), and decided on pic related. Well..., a few weeks later they fucked up even though I was extremely careful with them, I sent them back to Amazon and I'll get my money back in 2 days. I don't plan on getting the same pair, seeing how these lasted barely any time at all. So, what are some other good cheap headphones?
TL;DR: Headphones fucked up, need suggestions for other good cheap headphones, I have budget of $50

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You really should just save up for at least some $100 dollar ones but pic related are decent

$49 on Amazon

akg k240 are nice as fuck, though they seem to be 58 bucks on amazon if you have some spare

i've used mine since 2011, still going strong although i could replace one of the pads but im lazy, they're just a bit worn (some cracks in the leather), but nothing that bothers me

wait until you have a higher budget

how are they as far as comfort goes? I'd replace them with velour, but I sweat like a motherfucker and it gets into the fabric

>I have budget of $50

hey man, I'm a poorfag, what can I say

That's even more of a reason for you to make smart purchase decisions. Save your money until you have at least $200-300 and buy something proper. Those phones will last much longer without you even feeling any urge or need to upgrade. You'll save money in the long run by buying once and buying smart. I live by that and I'm not exactly rich either.

For cheap burner headphones try en.goldenears.net/14529. I have tried them and they're surprisingly good, and not even just for the price.

Then wait and save up dummy


idk if it's actual leather but i can wear them on comfortably for 8 hours+

$150 is enough for either the ath-m50's or the hd 598's depending on if they want open or closed. By the time you get to $300 then you should wait until at least $400 for a decent planar set and then another $100-$150 for a decent dac/amp stack setup

These headphones are amazing, I have them and a friend has k240s, we tested both, and even he preferred the superluxes


These are pretty good and if you replace the pds with those of the ath-m50x it will add extra bass; there are other mods for these online too. The best part are that the cables disconnect so if they break you dont need to worry about soldering

>hd 598's
sennheisers are crap too without proper amp

And yeah you can get by with c.a. $150 too, but my point still stands, and the 200-300 intended to include the whole setup (well, DAC isn't that important), not just the headphones themselves. Any decent set of phones does need an actual amp though. Those elements aren't going to drive themselves.

>well, DAC isn't that important
>Any decent set of phones does need an actual amp though
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard here! The dac essential acts to bypass shitty sound cards and an amp is only needed for high amp headphones, most notably planar headphones; At 50 ohms the 598's don't need an amp, while the beyerdyanamic dt 990's at 600 ohms do. If you know that little about a dac and amp you should not be giving advice

> high amp headphones
I meant high impedance headpones

>well, DAC isn't that important
Any decent modern DAC can easily produce transparent results, i.e. very low noise floors (~-90db or lower) and diminishing harmonic distortion. Don't believe the audiophile hype.

>The dac essential acts to bypass shitty sound cards
See above. Do check the specs of your sound card though, but most likely it's more than sufficient.

>Any decent set of phones does need an actual amp though
Well obviously depends on the impedance, but once you start going to the $200 or somewhere in that range you're not going to find too many sets that get by with just a typical 3.5mm headphone connection. Especially stuff like HD598 even though it's rated at somewhat lower impedance sounds crap without a proper amp.

>At 50 ohms the 598's don't need an amp
I own a pair. They do. Those things have no bass without one.

They have no bass because they are open not the impedance, but that should be noted before using them. I own a pair also and I used to use the fiio e10k with them so I can see your point.

Openness isn't exactly a direct correlation. Plenty of open headphones have a superb bass response, see the Audeze lineup for one, or Hifiman or whatever. Closed and open headphones have very different bass characteristics and imho shouldn't be compared as such.

I should correct myself though, they don't NEED an amp, but the sound will benefit from one immensely.

Also a DAC is obviously important, but in my opinion quite low on the priority list (i'd say somewhere above "cables"). There's a lot more components to spend your money to improve the sound quality more. In this range that we're discussing a proper investment in a DAC is most likely to give very diminishing returns. All in all my recommendation, $150-200 on the cans, $50-100 on an amp. Or you could even get just an old good quality receiver with built in headphone amp, at this range we're just talking about something to power the phones properly, not to make an optimal amp/phone pairing.

598s have the same drivers as the 558s which cost $50 less

amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M30-Closed-Back-Headphones/dp/B00007E7C8 how do these compare to Superlux in terms of sound quality?

Never used those before but had a pair of superlux before I bought my HD598s. Ridiculously good for how cheap they are. Still use them from time to time when I don't want to lose or damage my good pair.

OP, everyone in this thread is retarded. Get the Superlux hd668Bs, only headphones worth getting under $100 and they're $38 on amazon.

Those are all terrible and wastes of money.

Get to $80 and you can get yourself some Sony MDRs like they use in studios.

OP see this.
Or Koss Porta pro, or ksc75.

If you care about comfort I think those are bad choices. My hair got caught in them every time I put them on. Also the fact you look like an autist if you wear them.