White Privilege

Can anyone recommend me some good songs/albums about White Privilege?

So sick of this. :\

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can anyone recommend me some albums to listen while i wait for Sup Forums to stop shitposting on other boards?


>Sup Forums bait

Not even Sup Forums. You don't think it's a sad statement about the underground music culture that a musical legend, who literally changed the language of the synthesizer/keyboard in pop music , couldn't even reach his goal of $50,000 to fight cancer.

While the wife of some nobody whose famous for ironic jokes on twitter gets almost $200,000 just for being a white woman in distress?

Shaking my head so hard.


i have a hard time believing that any of the Sup Forumstards are even affected by the shit they protest

it's literally autists looking to get mad, how sad

Without Bernie Worrell (and his treatment of synthesizers in P-Funk), Prince's music wouldn't have existed. I guess he was light skinned enough for the White Media to give a shit about him though.

yeah its true
even the sjw fags who preach about being a good person. don't do shit for blacks when it matters
just saying social justice shit for e-points
sad that phil gets away with scamming folks out of 190k
but they refuse to donate to a black man

I mean, this has nothing to do with white privilege, Phil is just more famous than bernie, that's it. Naturally one's going to get more money than the other. It's sad that he didn't get the goal, but yeah, that's to be expected unfortunately.

>Phil is just more famous than bernie,

are you fucking kidding me
he worked with talking heads. jesus christ this white privilege is disgusting

Maybe if Worrell was half his age and had a young family to support he might have got more money.

a black man aiding and working with Talking Heads is basically race traitor/Uncle Tom shit, so why should we care about him after that?

phil/gen can reach out to a lot more fans due to the internet, where in bernies case, his fans probably dont use the internet as much and might also be getting their own share of cancer, making it so they have less money to spare



What does race have to do with any of this?

Pretty much every average teenage music fan knows who phil is, how many music fans know who Bernie is? I'm not saying he's more influential, but in a modern sense, phil definitely has more fans, especially fans will to give him money. That's just the reality. If Kendrick Lamar got cancer he would be funded instantly, c'mon now.

Haha civil rights happened barely 50 years ago and white people still want to act like they never had the upper hand. Fucking nut sacks.

>he fell for porky's race meme

shaking my head


Thanks for staying on topic. This is great.


>all white people come from the same economic background
>all white people have reached the same consensus on privilege
>all white people are white americans

et al. what qualifies as white for you?