I'm 20

I'm 20.

If I start playing double bass tomorrow for something like 7 hours everyday for 10 years will I be able to join any respectable orchestra?

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Who the fuck has time to play 7 hours a day?

I've done it for 6 years now with piano and I'm ready to quit it.

I know that I can do it, there's no doubt about it.

Also I know that it's a generic question but how long does it usually take to be able to play Jimmy Garrison's tracks in the late Coltrane albums?

Probably not as people are much more able to learn at a younger age, but don't give up hope.

remember, members of professional orchestras have been playing 5-7 hours every day since they were ~5.
you could become half decent, but you'll never become a member of any professional orchestra.*

*caveat: probably

Someone who has the genetics to be a virtuosio can still get there starting in adulthood



my old music teacher started in college after playin only a little cello in highschool and is principal bassist in a legit symphony orchestra, also toured the world in jazz groups- you can definitely do it don't listen to these fucks

Genetics have very little to do with it, the reason professional classical musicians are so talented is because they've unrelentingly striven at their craft since those primordial years when brains are malleable, and so particularly susceptible to untangling those matted threads of language which so bewilder their elders, so set they are in their ways. Those still in in their formative years' minds are plastic and able to learn the ways of music as you and I learnt language, or the still more subtle way in which the innocuous cues of body language transmit those unconscious thoughts and feelings which together define the collective unconscious. In those seraphic musical people, knowledge of music is so integral they need not think about which key to press or which string to mute, no more than us mere corporeal beings need think about the shape of mouth we need to pronounce the syllables in these words.


Even if you fail - which is unlikely if you have the drive to accomplish what you set out to do - you'll certainly have other career opportunities at your disposal.

Get good enough to go get a music degree. I swear it's not a meme if you're really serious. You become so much better than you ever thought possible in four years and then you'll be ready to get auditioning for orchestras.

Or you could get lessons for a while, join a community orchestra for years and climb the ladder for longer, but if you want to expedite the process go to school.

If you already play another instrument or have musical knowledge, most likely yes.
Double Bass parts can be very difficult at times, but are usually very repetitive. All you need to learn is basic technique and you're good from there.
I am a violin player, but I started experimenting with the bass when I was in high school. It only took a little over a year to become "decent" at it, and that was with very little practice. If you think you could manage an hour or more every day, you will definitely be good enough in a few years. The hardest part would be finding an orchestra that is hiring.

Probably. I mean double bass parts are simple compared to the rest of the orchestra.

This or if you're too poor there is always army bands that will teach you just fine

This is a good idea.

Simple to look at, but the instrument is less than agile. Even if there's less notes, you have to play them that much better to land a job

t3h simple instrument


If you have the time and can spend a great deal of money learning how to play correctly, then yes you can do it. It will be hard as hell to get to master level - which is what you need to be at to play in any type of symphony.

The replies here are correct. Learning an instrument in your formative years (2-10) makes it MUCH easier to become a master at the art. This is when the brain is genetically hard-wired to learn as much as fucking possible.

This is a pretty niche, but beautiful instrument to learn. I mean it is niche because most people in their late teens, 20's, and older will have a much easier and cheaper time learning piano, guitar, drums, etc.

I almost died when I was 30 and while recovering I wanted to learn piano. I spent a year with a master teacher and practiced daily. After a year I hated it. The diminishing returns just killed the fun for me and I decided to go back to playing guitar. I'm not great at guitar, but I've released an album and am working on a second one.

Over the years, the diminishing returns are going to eat you alive unless you are seriously obsessed with it.

Absolutely. If joining a respectable orchestra is your actual goal, however, I'd recommend seeking professional instruction (even if it's just once a week or less) or looking into music schools.

first-rate instruction, i'd add, there's no time to fuck around

When you get to the plateau the new things you learn are things that really transfer between instruments for the first part, why not also learn how to sing?

Things like learning to move your whole body to it, imagine music as movement, learn to add detail and grace to single notes, are more philosophical things you have to 'get' at some point

LSD helps :^)

absolute garbage age for start playing an absolute garbage instrument mate

I've been playing drums for about 2 years and I feel like I'm at a plateau despite the fact that I know so little. I also play bass, guitar, and I sing. What do you recommend?

deep immersion in theory and covering aphex twin, venetian snares

it is approximated that you need 10000 hours of practice to get to a probable level. Look at music majors - start at 10, practice everyday for 2-3 hours and get a degree around 22.

So keep that in mind. Any professional level skill can be cultuvated


Learning sheet music forces you ahead, other than that, it's mostly about playing consistently every day

Try to imagine moving lines in your head when you play, practice varying volume and tone within even one note in order to imply movement

Even instruments that don't have in between pitches imply movement.

What I mean by movement is the elegance you see classical musicians move their whole bodies with, they do this because they are imagining this implied movement in even the most simple of notes

I like that visualization.
I've never even learned a song before, goddamn that looks fun to play. All the drumless tracks on youtube that I play to are regular 4/4 rock. I've taken to making my own loops so I can actually utilize my blast beats and jazz playing.

it's fuckin' awesome