I grew out of [genre]

>I grew out of [genre]

Other urls found in this thread:


this is only acceptable for metal

>that one guy who still listens to blink182 in 2016


>I grew out of power electronics, noise and industrial
>i'm such mature person now!
>better listen to safe music because i'm not an edgy 16 year old avant-fag, Sup Forums will accept me, r-right?

most power electronics, noise and industrial ARE safe music tho

what are some unsafe music my dude?

>those 100 million guys that think Drake is a genius and are butthurt that he didn't have the #1 album for 10 weeks straight because he got BTFO by America's band

death grips, swans, neutral milk motel

t. virgin neckbeard

lol fat ducko


I grew out of Sup Forums right now when I discovered you guys aren't old enough to grow out of music genres.

a lot of music is childish and a lot of rap is definitely something you grow out of.

t. 24 year old

uplifting trance, radio rap
kinda dig TPAB Kendrick tho

Metal, Rap, Electronic.

Now I just listen to Indie and Jam band's. I feel like once I leave my 20's I'll grow out of those too.

You're fucking stupid.

t. 48 year old

maybe a bit unrelated but i want to share this
the first time, when i was 15, i went to an anime convention and bought a random CD because the cover looked cool, and it turned out to be an initial D album.
anyway, i loved that album. and i thought i grew out of it, but...
now that i'm listening to this after all of these years, i don't know how grown up i am anymore.


In 5th grade I liked Limp Bizkit and Korn.

danger music

I started listening to blink-182 in 2016.

What album

lol are you fat



how do i use this i am very old

t. 96 year old

And rap.

The only things I ever truly grew out of was dad rock, emo rock, and industrial. I'm glad I did, the bands I used to like were such cringe

what does the "t." mean?


t. newfriend

what bands did you like

what about broekncyde - screamo techno core stuff

(Most, but not all) classic rock.

yeah that counts


i can feel you judging me, so let me explain myself

it was catchy and aggressive

wow you're insecure

not judging you. my 3 best friends from high school listened to a lot of post-hardcore and eventually got into "I'm Not a Fan, But the Kids Like It!" and shit like that

hate that shit

Reggae and ska





Who is America's band?

Whatever bananas songs where half the lyrics are WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAH AHHHH WOOOAAH

>people actually believe this
i grew into metal when i was 20. i spent so many years thinking i was too mature for it, but eventually i realized i was dismissing one of the most active and innovative genres of music currently. before that i mostly listened to 90's indie




Yeah man that edgy awful bullshit isn't for kids at all.

>Nu metal
>Nu males
I rest my case

>trivializing an entire genre by reducing it to its stereotypes
i could make anything sound like shit by doing this

>repetitive 4/4 beat
>nigga bitches money

>sick drop
>ecstasy and glowsticks

now get woke and listen to this

it's a reddit thing that a few anons started doing, and then everyone copied it without knowing

turn that frown upside down because I grew out of rap over the last year

>Defends metal
>Posts Liturgy

I don't want to listen to that RAWR RAWR shit.

Shit sounded like mario party at first and then he started beating the drums like it owned him money, then this dude started screaming like he was a vulture.

>Nope NO WAY.

No cohesiveness, nothing interesting about it.

Dude you were so close to having a good argument until you posted liturgy

this. rap/hiphop has turned to such shit today. i can still appreciate some of the classics, but for the most part its really bad

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with "avant-garde"?

Grunge and Dadrock

i was trying to post something that someone who doesn't like metal would like. i'm not going to convince him he's wrong by posting darkthrone

you're being really dumb but if you want something less noisy try doom metal

Oh my god what the fuck are you doing?

i don't understand why you plebs hate liturgy so much. did you even listen to that song? it's fantastic

Better but guitars are too fuzzy and the voice is too whinny it sounds like shit shoegaze expect with no melody. It's to pounding if that makes sense, every fucking note drops off, I hate the way this fucker is stumming.

There are post hardcore bands 10x better than what ever you showed me.

Sorry man, metal is lowest common dominator music for me

2nd grade for me

i like post-hardcore too, but comparing that with metal just because they both have harsh vocals is some 12 year old girl tier shit. it's like comparing apples and oranges.

here's my last try. although this is just as much psych as it is metal

I hate the guitar tones and the rockabilly vibe, sorry I'm really picky when it comes to music that has guitars.

And I compared it to post hardcore becuase it reminded me of s shitty version of this song

I got into it as a pre-teen because it was forbidden (suburban white kid: EMINEM IS GOD). Started smoking weed at 16. At 17, K+OJ came out! I kept listening to rap because it made me feel hard nawmsayin, and that's how my college buddies connected (and weed). Then I graduated, got a job, moved to a new place with 0 friends. Never went back to it. I facepalm at some of the stuff I listened to and blasted in the car

All I ever listened to was EDM until like late 2013

Currently listening to pic related


crescendo-core postrock


I grew out of Post-Avant-Garde-Neo-Trance-Humming-Core

What about Hot Topic-core?

>spot the newfag
it's from krautchan/ylilauta

>i'm not going to convince him he's wrong by posting darkthrone
>not posting literally any doom metal or traditional metal like black sabbath or motorhead

Metal still sucks.


This is its origin It's basically a way of signing a statement, in this case used sarcastically for attributing certain idiotic comments to a certain individual/collective (e.g.: "I like Swans" t. retard: I would be implying retards like Swans).


The genres I really like I never really grow out of.

This is only acceptable for indie music and avant-garde garbage.

Seems to be a way of citing your particular knowledge about something. Started off on the Finnish version of Sup Forums, a strange place by all accounts.

Happy Hardcore.

Gabber and Speedcore pretty much made it obsolete to me

I know a lot of people in their 20s who still listen to Blink 182


t. 192 year old

>one of the most active and innovative genres


I grew out of dad rock and dad metal
I cant believe I spent hours listening to metallica, queen and beetles when I was 12, jesus christ


>people still "growing out of metal" meme

But it's like one of the only genres of music worth listening to alongside Classical, Jazz, Punk, Traditional/Folk and Electronic. All other genres ultimately do a watered down version of something these do really well.

Awful radio friendly trance and even worse post grunge from the ages of 8-11

I regret nothing though, the radio was all I knew and my still-developing brain got genuine enjoyment out of both so who cares

when I was 15 I was super into nu-scene kid shit. It's all boring, substanceless, and more about fashion trends than music; "Midwest" emo, hardstyle/mosh music, pop punk, folk punk, punk house shows' repertoire of drunk-punk bands with drunk-punk fans, college radio indie rock, that Title Fight shit, bands that are ripping off hardcore bands from the 90's in order to sell a tee-shirt (looking at you screamo-revival). Pretty much just the bullshit I'm around everyday. I attempt not to stab myself in the eye repeatedly as people talk to me about their scene kid shit and why god why am I nice enough to indulge them

t. 22

how do you feel know that it's coming back


youre lying

remember listening to The Front Bottoms and enjoying it? fuck, i saw them live and everything

Any christians / ex-christians here that outgrew christian rock?

because i sure did but most people around me are still majorly into it :/

lol same...

i'm growing into synthpop

I used to know at least a few lines from every Dio (the band) song ever made, by heart.

>all these people thinking this is ever acceptable
jesus christ
you should try listening to happy cheesy breakbeat hardcore then, it's good shit

I grew out of rap music
I realized that rap is a degenerate form of "music"
It's just s bunch of black guys yelling at how underprivileged they are with some edm

Dubstep and rap
Glad i did too

look at my next posts. i literally posted 2 doom bands you silly

prove me wrong fag. the only thing that even comes close nowadays is the ambiguous wave of avant garde electronic artists who are doing post-modern, post-internet stuff

I really did grow out of rap, though. It's such a juvenile and garbage genre in retrospect.

t. literally means "regards", like signing a letter

t. finn