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Isn't it funny how many commercials nowadays are ostensibly light-hearted but at their core about our inevitable mortality?


Probably because everyone knows that global civilization is on the verge of collapse.


Lol everyone feels it. Shit is going south real quick, so many bad things coming together at one time.

this desu
dude, look at our choices for president. both are criminal retards.

You two need to smile

why does he play chords like that?

Gary Johnson isn't a criminal or retard

Gary 10% Johnson ftl

I like him somewhat but he has no chance.


Cold War II with China getting more involved by the day, instability across the west, the coming recession where fundamental changes will have to be made, things are getting kooky my friend.

Lol I didn't make fun of Gary Johnson. I think he is an cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything


I'd rather vote for someone I like than hold my breath for the lesser of two evils

Babby's first presidential election cycle: The Post


Before Obama, the US hadn't had a president who wasn't A) a sociopath or B) an idiot since '81.

This year, the choices are A against A+B.

Being in a dying empire sucks.

i don't like her either, but kindly fuck off with the fb-tier memes.

Nothing you post will negate the obvious, inevitable, bottom-line about Hillary, which is that 4 years of Hillary won't be so bad. That single truth is what's going to tilt the eletion in her favor.

after 8 years of obama race-relations are worse, the political atmosphere is more toxic, the war between the sexes is a thing again, and foreign attitudes towards the US are reaching new lows.


>not realizing hillary not being that bad is still fucking bad

Jill Stein 2016. Come at me cuck

>doesnt afraid of anything
outdated meme desu

Still irrelevant. I'm not voting for Hillary because I like her. The election is decided by the electoral collage for a reason, one of which is to keep it from becoming a popularity contest. I'm voting for her to do a government job for 4 years, a job which she is the only viable candidate with experience and knowledge.

So she isn't perfect. No one is. I don't think it's possible to live virtuously in this economic climate, regardless of what class you belong to. All i know is that for 2 decades people have thrown everything they've had at her. Every accusation. Every insult. And she's endured. And she still wants more. Because she can take it. Definition of the President we deserve. Someone who will get down and dirty and do the job no one else will do so we get to keep our hands clean. A politician through and through.

Yeah, I'm only really considering Clinton or Stein at this point.

The question is... Which one will I taaaake?

Yeah of course she can take it....because the rules don't apply to her. She's protected by the media and SJW's to the core


"Hillary will say anything and change nothing"-Obama

>mfw people were saying literally the exact same things last election with obama v romney
>people were saying the same things in 2004 with kerry v bush
2000 was kinda pre internet, so I can't really gage that, but still, kek to people who think this election is a new phenomenon. The only thing new about this election is that twitter is making everything worse. Ya'll kids need to chill out, lmao.

Trump got billions of dollars of free publicity by the same media your criticizing. Also he has an equal sized army of die-hard Nationalists shilling for him too. This election is going to be decided by the 20 million apathetic moderates in the middle of the political spectrum who don't follow politics and will probably be undecided right up until after the debates.

You're letting the media and hysteria it causes in others get to you. No other point in history has had it better. Although depression is way up from...

>media praying on your anxiety

She's far and away the best suited for the office. I'm leaning towards Stein.

Dude. Even if I strongly disagree with some of the stuff he's done, Obama's awesome. He's a smart guy who gives a fuck and doesn't taking political Ls if they mean society is better off.

same exact things as in what

*doesn't mind taking political Ls

Depends on where you live. Because of how the electoral college works, every single one of a state's representatives will vote with the majority, even if the margin is as small as 51/49. This is why candidates will campaign the fuck out of swing states; they're the only states where every vote counts.

So if you live in a swing state. then vote Clinton. Your vote is /almost/ worthless everywhere else...except for when it comes to third parties. If a third party gets 5% of the popular vote nationwide, it gets federal funding for the next election cycle. So even though the chances of them winning this election are non-existent at best, if you convince all your friends and acquaintances to vote third party, you'd be helping in bringing more voices into the next presidential election.

So to reiterate: If you're in a swing state, vote Clinton. If you're in any other state, vote Stein.

As much as I hate Bon Jovi, props to him for letting his hair go gray

>thread with click bait title
>click thread because Sup Forumsfag
>expect to see witty responses to fill the second part of the song
>see nothing but political bullshit
>why the fuck do people even like to talk about politics
>realize I'm making a shitpost
>grab noose