ITT: Your Extremely guilty pleasure albums.
ITT: Your Extremely guilty pleasure albums
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I can remember when "So What" first came out. I was in 6th grade and that song always played on the bus on the way to school. The song got stuck in my head and eventually I bought the album soon after. Still just as good as it was in 6th grade.
Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion
That was definitely pop song of the year, I remember the school dances would play the shit out of it snd old Thank Me Later-Era drake. Everytime I hear it it brings me back. Goddamn elementary school was simpler times.
This fucking voice. Too bad her second album sucked so much even her incredible vocals couldn't save it.
Any opinions on Dangerous Woman, though? Is it better?
Fuck Pink she's the definition of irredeemable garbage holy shit fuck her so much
She's got an amazing voice I used to hate her music but goddamn I'm so mad at myself for liking it.
Haven't checked out her new stuff though. As long as she doesn't have Iggy on anything were good.
this un
This. Definitely a step in the right direction after leaving 1D. No pun intended btw.
The Inside is Yellow :)
kill yourself
Broke With Expensive Taste by Azealia Banks
im a closet emo
I still listen to Simple and Clean and Sanctuary sometimes to remember what it was like to be an angsty and sensitive 13 year old
same... only ashamed of liking Art Angels tho
Half the reason I like it is because of the title track if that makes it any worse.