Listens to The Mountain Goats once

>listens to The Mountain Goats once

>caring about types of people


>they kissed each other
how does this make you guys feel?

What did he mean by this?

nice digits, George Carlin

no children is a good sond

he's really not wrong there but the way he worded it was cringeworthy

What did he mean by this?

It's like, "Holy shit, we somehow exist, and maybe we're the only planet with life, yeah? Fuckin' crazy."

>listens to Beat the Champ once

Is he part of that history youtube channel?

he can't admit his physical, sexual desires for women and thinks the only path to sex is through love

he's got a stunted development

He deliberately lifted from NMH for one.

if you don't get that reference you should go listen to this immediately, also you should probably get off of here for your own good

God John Green is such a cuck

he enjoys having 48 dicks dipped in his cheerios before eating them


lol dubs

Who got it from Alice in Wonderland

are you fucking kidding me

He could be browsing Sup Forums as of this moment, user-kun.

How does that make you feel?

Except it's in literally nothing Lewis Carrol and wrote yet someone always says this.

John Green? I don't care that much.

Jeff Mangum? I'd be interested but not surprised if he was the one constantly posting "Mama mia! Post rock sure is a shitty genre!"

>listens to music once

you're right - my bad, senpai

>Will Grayson, Will Grayson is a novel by John Green and David Levithan, published in April 2010 by Dutton Juvenile. The book's narrative is divided evenly between two boys named Will Grayson, with Green having written all of the chapters for one and Levithan having written the chapters for the other, presented in an alternating chapter fashion. Music is referenced to throughout the story with Neutral Milk Hotel, a band that brings together all of the main characters in the book and becomes entangled in each of their stories. While the music groups, both real and fictional, do not become characters themselves in the story, the music that they create becomes relevant to each of their personalities. While both obscure Jane and nonchalant Will Grayson 1 both share a common interest with the alternative band Neutral Milk Hotel, Tiny Cooper, the fabulously flamboyant character of the story, fancies big, bold Broadway-showtunes and music that becomes main-streamed as iconic pop culture.

really makes u think huh...

Fucking magnets how do they work?

NMH confirmed for cuckcore

>listens to chvrches once

i respect John Green

This is my problem. I've had sex with 2 women in my life both of whom were gf's who acted like what they thought was my dreamgirl and eventually dropped the act. What do?

>nu male """"""humor"""""

>im a cuckold
>im voting for hillary
>i dont believe in racial science


I wish I had saved the /lit/ parodies of that infamous John Green passage written in the style of different authors, I was crying from laughter

>I've had sex with 2 women

have you guys ever spoken a sentence without using buzzwords

>watches LU once