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RYM // Sonemic general
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>tfw the mods are out to get you
music for this feel, /rym/?
The Saddest Landscaoe
Reminder that if you have a perfectly symmetrical curve, it means you're shit at prioritizing music to listen to.
are the mods finally starting to crack down on these cancerous threads? based
The mods are more cancerous than these threads to be honest. Go back to your shitty hot pockets shitty mods.
Hello fellow avant-patricians, join us at /avg/ for better discussion then what these shitty generals provide.
"I like real experimental music! Swans, Death Grips, Cardiacs, Anco, the list goes on!"
Gtfo poseur.
anyways, add me if your cool and have good taste! :-)
Hello I recently enjoyed the collaboration between Hijokaidan and Avandoned! What music have you recently enjoyed rym-kun?
feelin dead as fuck inside
why are these clueless retards using a meme term they don't understand? avant-teen is eai or samoan improvised music, not fucking swans or death grips.
I feel like that's the point or something
my name's blurryface
why don't you like music? (hip hop isn't music)
liking other music would involve liking life
screencap part of a user's user stats and people guess who it is
I'll start easy
Reminder that No_ is more patrician than AntiWarhol
>two irrelevant fatsos on a shitty website
>i will jizz on no_'s cute belly flubber
why bother?
>ywn do blow with daisesfree
he's so qt...
Incorrect, the term is used incorrectly by most people, the proper definition for Avant-Teen is people who listen to the most entry level "experimental" Sup Forumscore music and think they have unique special avant taste despite listening to easy listening Sup Forumscore.
uh, h-hi guys
youre a fucking idiot
Found the Swans fan. Pro-tip: Your taste in music is not interesting or unique in any way, kys.
He's using the term correctly, the morons on these rym generals have been using the phrase improperly, it's not surprising considering that they circle jerk over the same few users over and over.
"I circle jerk over rym users! Daisesfree, Antiwarhol, sodr2, the list could go on and on!
Reminder that if you care about rating curves, you don't actually enjoy music, only the act of rating it.
A couple of decisions arise in the music department for the Avant-Teen. The first is what “esoteric” genres are relatable to you. Will you listen to the African diaspora? Fela might be a bit too mainstream. What about EAI? Well, that’s referenced on Tiny Mix Tapes and simply won’t do. Eventually you’ll settle on something, be it ‘30s Greek folk music or Soviet-era Russian classical. Be as pseudo-knowledgeable as you can about this genre. The second decision is what fairly popular acts you will follow to give the impression of eclecticism and open-mindedness. Good options for this category include Lady GaGa, with her somewhat defensible Dada aesthetic; The Smiths with their fairly universal sound (even though they’re your band, and you and Morrissey have some transcendent bond that no one else can ever conceive of); and The Beatles because seeing them next to Antoine Beuger (since your music will be sorted by last name, seeing as you aren’t a philistine) on your iPod drives the point home that you have _range_.
shit son, avant-teen was already a thing even before you found out about Sup Forums and "shoegaze" bands were giving you "the feels".
>Incorrect, the term is used incorrectly by most people, the proper definition for Avant-Teen is people who listen to the most entry level "experimental" Sup Forumscore music and think they have unique special avant taste despite listening to easy listening Sup Forumscore.
At first I thought you were just a butthurt avant-teen, but now I realize you are making a lot of sense, the way the term is now, doesn't really make any sense as almost all the avant-teens people post on here are adults. Mostly teens listening to bands like Swans and Death Grips, then they grow out of them and move onto real "experimental" crap (better than entry level Sup Forumscore trash at least)
This old copypasta is wrong and outdated.
>notice one of your friends writes a lot of reviews
>go to their profile and see this
what the fuck?
none of those albums are good
>tfw realized that most of my rym friends are literally gay
Do people log their album ratings after the first listen?
And then just change it accordingly after multiple listens?
Or do people wait until they have listened a few times before rating?
it depends but more common is for sure the rating after the first listen
/moo/ is like 75% gay so don't feel weird about it buddy
Aren't you a 'le epic sjw hunter'?
i have no friend from these threads though
Is antigona pristine?
I don't know what that means.
Oh, I guess fags just feel good around you thn.
can u stop ruining this website (rym) thanks
how the fuck have you tolerated mu for five years. youre crazy
No, artsy people have lots of sex
but she's a christian
I got nothing else to do after work.
>five years
filthy casuals, 8 years and counting..
this nektar album Recycled is really good. finding prog that is not hateful is hard.
why are you copying my reply
those lists are autistic af nigga
time is a flat circle
I got nothing else to do after work
I stopped counting.
What are your thoughts on the new Avalanches album turny?
Not listened, too many rappers
over the mountains we go, stretching infinitely.
Still it's so small... shhh my child
did hardboiledbabe leave rym again?
no, she's now looking for thousands obscure albums to rate in one day though
i see nothing wrong with that, she probably listened to tons of music while she was absent
me neither, i agree with her that you can rate album based on its cover
>too many rappers
How so?
Add me~ I have horrible taste, but ey why not talk about music / send me some recs / or add me ^^
Redpill me on VinceTehMan.
Brazil Nuts
>WTF this literally sounds like an album SpongeBob and Patrick would make together after spending all day at the Krusty Krab.
he is totally based. our cat-san has zero chill about everything.
because he's a huge sperg
Redpill me on ~Bloodie
getting close to that 1k :)
1k of shitty music ratings? Nice work
04/13 21:09 GMT
Kishinev rated many interesting and uniteresting metal albums, some his ratings is kind a good recommendations. exitsense taste in bestial black and some old school death is quite worth mentioning. But, yeah, most of these so called patricians more keen on minimal electronic music, wierd pop or mainstream hip hop than metal.
shit rating system + rating purely for image reasons
>so called patricians
Pretty much all the "high profile" RYM users are fairly self-aware if you haven't noticed by now
feldman and bach XD im so artsy guys... no 5.0 because nothing is perfect...
This word doesn't mean anything any more and it's solely because of these threads.
here for u bby
post your favorite reviews on RYM
i've caught a feel for a girl and she told me to listen to twenty one pilots what do i do
You should lie on the Internet for literally no reason.
Why not? The internet is the best place to lie about everything.
i'll be sure to have a profile pic w her by the end of the month since she mite b 'the 1' ~
anyone know of any good heartfelt americana?
is this supposed to be a Horbgorbler parody review?
yep, you got it