Music genre(s) you wouldn't mind reviving
I'd want to revive vaporwave
just less autistic
Music genre(s) you wouldn't mind reviving
I'd want to revive vaporwave
just less autistic
Other urls found in this thread:
Caveman Rapestonewave
Chillwave desu lol
Dream Catalogue is doing "serious vaporwave", some of it's really good.
You could argue it's just downtempo but it's much better than slowed-down 80s samples.
witch house t b h
nu metal
if you mean stuff like 2814 and Remember I don't think that's vaporwave anymore
I wish slowcore still existed.
Witch house
For every 20 releases they put out, only one is maybe worthwhile tbqh
Still living on just re-labeled as synthwave/vaporwave
dream catalogue stopped being good about a year ago
Also they were never "serious", they just marketed their irony like it was deep and philosophical when IRL it had even less meaning than original vaporwave
They made a lot of good ambient music though
This. The good ones are real good though. The vaportrap they have is damn good.
100% this
Neon Indian, Washed Out, Small Black, and Toro y Moi's first album are all great
90's era jungle / drum n' bass, more specifically atmospheric jungle. metalheadz / moving shadow / good looking recs all had such a mystical sense to their sounds. seriously, i could totally picture everyone in the 3000's listening to this type of stuff.
where could shoegaze go at this point rly?
vaporwave but less gay is synthwave, no?
I want it to fuze with old-school industrial. Call it thousand-yard bootstare
Acid rock
mah nigga. i remember being blown away by the sounds i was hearing when i first got into this type of jungle.
haven't listened to the invisible man or lee & gwange before, this is so dope. thanks m8.
jangle pop