Come on we're all night owls for a reason, why not find something new for yourself
This game: Late night edition
Live albums are always good for a late night listen. I especially liked the piano solos. Jazz isn't my forte enough to give an in depth review, but I enjoyed this. I bet they were amazing to watch live.
Never quite went into the indie folk territory, but I like the Balkan/brass touch to it. Pretty catchy, but could use a bit more variety song-wise.
Jokes on you I fucking love wwe but where the fuck is the Dean Ambrose track hot dad?
IDK what this was but I did not enjoy it.
>inb4 too repetitive
That's the point
holy shit what the fuck.
this is so TERRIBLE
yr not even listenin' to it :c
but I did
You know, to be honest, sometimes the vocals got a little whiny, and sometimes the drums got a little repetitive, but overall, that album was groovy as shit. Solid 8/10.
Pre-Lana, Lana
It was ok. I'd give it a 4/10. The only song I really liked was the first. The rest just kinda bored me(exception being the second song which made me a tad uncomfortable. Not sure why.)
pretty great synthpop record, my personal AOTY
this was a fuckin trip
i went in expecting le tumblr hipster pop but reading through the lyrics and her bio on wikipedia this almost seems like satire
especially on songs like "put me in a movie"
>Come on, you know you like (good) little girls
>You can be my daddy
Couldn't find the album so listened to a few songs I could find, pretty funky, enjoyed it. Will probably try finding the whole album to give a proper listen sometime.
Like this a lot so far.
Glad you enjoy it.
Absolutely fucking great!
Also, when I checked the wiki to see if Lemon Demon was one dude or a whole band, I discovered that he also did Harry Potter Puppet Pals. My life is now complete. Thank you, user!
Goes fast. Cheers m8.
I've got a whole bunch of shit I want to listen to first but okay
Alright lets do this
be nice to me lads
i never listen to anything like this, but it wasnt rap or something that would make me want to rip my ears off, so i guess its alright.
I'll give ya something cool cos I love ya Tuco